You know, I was falsely accused of rape once myself, so I can appreciate what the Lacrosse players are going through. And in my case, had it not been for 6 other eye witnesses (more importantly “ear witnesses” who heard my accuser screaming EXACTLY what she wanted, and how she wanted it… not going to get into graphic detail, but consent was EXPLICIT in more ways than one), then I would have been toast.
As for the photos showing that she was “brused” etc. upon arrival… must be photos I have not seen.
As for an ATM photo, again, must be photos I have not seen. THere is a RECEIPT according to local media, but no photographic evidence AS OF YET.
There has been an indictment. That means that there must be more than just a LITTLE evidence against the guys. Of course there is no defense at a Grand Jury, but it DOES mean that the DA could present a Prima Facia case.
And by OUR laws, that means a trial now takes place.
A judge and jury will hear evidence, see ALL that both sides have, and weigh that evidence and reach a verdict.
Last I checked, there is no “Trial by Media” in the Constitution.
And if the guys are exonerated… then by all means, throw the book… hell throw the whole darn LIBRARY at the woman.
But let’s wait for the trial first.