• Time to throw me a party! TG Moses VI didn’t beat me there! I would like to take this time to thank all those people who helped make it happen

  • Congradulations on your newfound victory! :smile:
    You have obviously shown yourself as the toughest competitor.

    Well until next time, unward to 1000!

  • i will beat you…no, i won’t :sad:

  • 1000… took me over 6 months to get this far!

    “History is just a set of lies agreed upon”

    • Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte
      “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference” - Robert Frost
      “Only the dead will see the end of war”

    [ This Message was edited by: yanny on 2002-04-09 20:10 ]

  • Well, what’s another 6 more? But seriously, I can’t believe a simple game created almost 30 years ago is still going strong judging from these forums. It just boggles the mind.

    Anybody have any new info on the new Axis and Allies game they were suppose to come out with?

  • A linkup kit for Axis and allies Europe and Pacific is coming out soon.

    Besides that, no clue. I wouldnt mind seeing an Axis and Allies: Eastern Front or African Front.

  • you know what would be cool? if we stood at this forum for 30 more years…and we just kept talking to each other.

    but that won’t happen.

  • Well I think that Axis & Allies Eastern Front is already done in the form of A&A:Europe. However, if you want to go more in detail, there is a hex based game of A&A: Eastern Front sold by an independent gaming company.

    A&A:Africa? I don’t see a strong possibility of this happening. Sure it would be great to blitz all the way to the Suez Canal with Rommel, but most of the war did occur in North Africa. Plus, historically, Africa was nowhere as important as some of the more important fronts. Maybe if you included Italy and Southern Europe…

    Another thing I would like to see A&A revamp on is it’s battle system. Hasbro can learn a thing or two from Eagle Games combat system.

  • I bet they are at work with “A and A II.” or A and A 6789 1/2.

    how about a Central versus Allies?

  • A WWI game based on the Central Powers vs. the Allies would sound like the next best thing. But I hope it doesn’t turn into hopeless trench warefare. Of course if you’re interested, you can always check out Imp Game’s WWI version.

  • Well in all forums I have been too, this one has enlightened me both on the war that was World War II, Axis and Allies, and Present day International Topics. However with over 500 post within 4 months (that’s over 7 messages a day) I feel I have far out stayed my welcome and my strain.

    Also, I won’t have access to these forums soon enough, as I am heading back to
    the Deep South. However, I have a few promises to keep, so don’t worry about the German T1 Strat. I should have that done by Thursday or at most Friday. Also, the A&A Tournament. I finally got my e-mail back and up and running at kkkk_jj@hotmail.com. However, I have my replacement, which should be arriving here shortly.

  • you’re going to be gone?

    you’ll be back right?

  • In the words of Douglas Macarthur, “I shall return.”

    Until then, I remain Moses VI The Great.

  • “the above mediocre”

    we’ll see you when you come back!

    -Thane of Hortenia

  • It gives me some time to gain some ground in the post count!

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