Thanks for letting me know it still works with out of box rules.
Guess French West Africa does make sense to be Free.
Alright, so I’m going to acknowledge here that I may be over-doing it with posting this thread here (again, I suppose). I simply want to bring this to more attention, because its been discussed in other threads (such as here and here I’m only trying to consolidate the discussion on the technical aspects of these mechanics (for interested parties, hopefully). I do care about this project enough to warrant peer review. Baron Munchhaussen, you did ask me about it in the past, I apologize for never getting back to you about your inquiries. I’ll make an effort to be more diligent this time around, hence this thread.
It’s not an easy read, but its purpose is to maximize clarity. There’s always room for improvement of course, in more than one aspect. Please do not be deterred; it holds good promise and intuitive play. There’s a Word document included with this post with colour coding. I think it’s a little easier to disseminate the information with it. Here’s the wall of text in the next post.
Maroon: designates units that are attacking.
Red: used to objectify the player that is controlling the attacking units.
Navy Blue: designates units that are defending.
Blue: used to objectify the player that is controlling the defending units.
Green: used for the Turn phase. The phases are Production & Research, Combat Movement, Combat, Non-Combat, Resolution and Collect Income. Only relevant phases are partially described here for this document.
Orange: used to differentiate the subsequent turn rounds from the over-arching turn phases.
Teal: designates units, facilities and tactical abilities that are only usable after research has been completed.
Brown: used to signify the interception tactic.
Purple: used to signify the chase/pursuit tactic.
Thanks for sharing!
Contains a lot of well thought out concepts. I like it.
Re blitzing: The stuff on the ref. sheet is very similar to the OOB rules?
“Blitz: Units may make an additional Combat Move if the initial attack lasted for three rounds or less and units have sufficient movement. Fighters/Tactical Bombers with sufficient movement can also Blitz with the Blitzing Army Forces. Units cannot Blitz into/out of Mountain Terrain or across a Mountain Border.”
Yeah, that sounds about right.