@monsieurmurdoch I am not sure how these house rules would interplay with 40 since the scope of warfare was so different. Hospitals and ambulance customization could. I hope you can find a 1914 game. Keep an eye out. And, I do have some plans for barb wire, trenches, etc. Thanks for the feedback!
1914 - Declining the Armistice
If the Bolsheviks decline the Armistice with the Central powers….
IF the Armistice IS NOT accepted, then to represent the upheaval and disarray in the ranks and Russian command structure brought on by the Glorious Revolution. At start of turn after no acceptance….
- For 2 turns, in every territory except Moscow, 1 Russian infantry unit is removed (down to min of 1).
- For first turn, Russia cannot makes any attacks except in Moscow.
- On the second turn, Russia cannot make any attacks in territories outside of original Russia.
On the third turn, all returns to normal.
Warships are not affected by any of these restrictions.