• okay needing rule clarification on following

    1 Heavy Bombers - do they take out full IPC amounts or do you roll  a die for the value that they take?

    2 If building special units - ie rockets - are these made by Anti -aircraft guns - or are they made by artillery?

    3 Can you then place more than 1 rocket in each territory?

    4 What happens when you run out of figurines and counters - eg I think Germany only has two battleships in total - does this mean they can only build two?

    mmmmm that’s all for the moment!

    thanks heaps guys!

  • 1. I believe that heavy bombers do two dice worth of IPC damage

    2. Rockets are not “made” by anything.  Just keep in mind that during your turn, if you have the Rockets tech, your AA guns can roll one die worth of IPC damage against an enemy complex up to three spaces away

    3. I don’t recall running into this situation before, but I don’t see why not…

    4. I think I’ve heard that it is possible to order more units, but just remember:  Do you really want the possibility of the board getting that cluttered?

    I hope this helps…  :-)

  • I’m going to assume Axis and Allies 2nd (or 3rd) edition here. Â

    1. It seems you are refering to strategic bombing runs here.  Normal bombers roll a die per bomber, with the number shown on the die (1 to 6) being the IPC’s taken from the country bombed.  With Heavy Bombers, you roll 3 dice per bomber instead (I’m pretty sure its not two).  So rolling a 3, 4, and 2 on the three dice from a single heavy bomber will result in 9 ipcs being taken from the contry being strategically bombed.

    2. Rockets are the same as the AA guns.

    3. I believe that the rules prohibit more than one per territory…but I’m not sure.

    4. The chips are used as counters.  You can have as many battleships as you want, however you can only have two groups of battleships.  So if you spend the money for twenty battleships, they must be in only two groups (10 and 10, or 19 and 1, or however you want).

  • If only I could take a photo of our game board!!! This is only our third gamne and still getting familiar with the rules the world is so heavily miliatrized it is scarey!! We had battle fleets with 5 bigboys (battleships!) 1 destroyer an aircraft carrier with two planes and 8 transport!

    Yes Germany won the damn game because my dice rolls sucked and I couldn’t stop rolling 5 and 6’s and then I lost 8 bombers through that stupid AA gun in Berlin - my partner just kept rolling 1’s I couldn’t get a trick - then he rolled a 2 to develop rockets and shut down all of Britains IPC with 7 rockets hitting each time and Russias IPC with 5 rockets - they only cost 5 to build - it really is a way to win the game - that’s why I wonder if you allowed to build more than 1 in a territory

  • OK, a few things…

    #1:  You mentioned “artillery” in one of your posts and “destroyers” in another.  That means you are playing what on this board is called Axis and Allies REVISED.  This is the current version of the game being produced by Avalon Hill.  So for future reference, you may want to post your questions in that topic area.

    #2:  Rockets technology allows you to fire ONE Rocket per turn, regardless of the number of AA guns you have (and yes, they fire from AA guns not Artillery).  Once you obtain the technology, you fire one per round.  You don;t “buy” them, they are free AFTER you spend the money and succesfulyl develop the technology.

  • I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that you may fire as many Rockets so long as only one fires from each territory and each rocket hits a different factory.

    That brings me to my question about bombing runs…

    Can two or more bombers hit the same indust complex? And if so, assuming the area that the IC was on had a value of 3 and both bombers rolled 4 and 5, would the IC player lose only 3 IPCs, or would that damage stack, resulting in a 6 IPC loss?

  • The amount of damage you can do to a complex is limited to its territory’s income value per turn, so you can only do 3 damage to it if you rolled higher in one turn. You can bomb it again during a different power’s turn for the same limit though.

  • So you’re saying no matter how many strategic bombings in addition to a rocket strike I do to a single territory, I can only do the income amount only for that turn right? Then I guess there’s no point in bringing 2 bombers to bomb a 1-value territory…

  • That’s right! If you want to do more damage to a power’s economy then bomb multiple complexes, don’t bring too many bombers to one complex.

  • hi. my question is: i atack whit 5 infantry units and 3 artillery units. then, all infantry units are supported by artillery

  • @nefi:

    hi. my question is: i atack whit 5 infantry units and 3 artillery units. then, all infantry units are supported by artillery

    3 infantry units are supported by artillery.
    you then have
    2 inf rolls on a 1
    3 inf rolls on a 2
    3 rtl rolls on a 2

    Artillery supports on a 1 to 1 basis, each artillery pairs up with one infantry unit to give the infantry a +1 attack bonus. This does not apply when defending.


    Can two or more bombers hit the same indust complex? And if so, assuming the area that the IC was on had a value of 3 and both bombers rolled 4 and 5, would the IC player lose only 3 IPCs, or would that damage stack, resulting in a 6 IPC loss?

    This depends on what ruleset you are using. I see that theres a lot of confusion in this post regarding bombing raids, so I’ll try to make most of the questions clear.

    If you are using LHTR the maximum combined damage inflicted in one turn by both strategic bombing raids and any rocket attack on the same industrial complex is the territory’s income value.
    You can then attack several complexes to do more damage.

    If you are using the out of the Box rules, the bombing raids are a bit more effective. Here each bomber can inflict no more than the territory’s ipc value.
    This means that if you attack Caucasus with 3 bombers you can do up to a maximum of 12 damage, as the value of caucasus is 4 IPC, besides if you have the rocket tech you can still inflict up to 4 more damage with a rocket.

    I should say that most players uses LHTR (Larry Harris Tournament Rules), as these are commonly agreed upon to be more fair, it should be obvious when you think about the bombing rules in the standart rules.

    Regarding heavy bombers
    In the standart rules, heavy bombers do 2 dice of damage both in regular combat and in bombing raids. That is 2-12 IPC damage, depending on the territory’s ipc value, the bomber can still only do damage up to the value of the territory.

    In LHTR heavy bombers rolls two dice and then you get to choose what roll you want to keep. When Heavy bombers are in bombing raids you get to roll 2 dice, choose one of the rolls and add 1 to this value, this is for a damage of 2-7 per heavy bomber.

    Hope this answers all your questions,

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