SUD (again),
So how are prices established, except by central planning? Again, in a Communist society, it is without money, therefore your point about capitalist prices is pointless.
“Classical political economy, before Marx, evolved in England, the most developed of the capitalist countries. Adam Smith and David Ricardo, by their investigations of the economic system, laid the foundations of the Labor Theory of Value. Marx continued their work. He rigidly proved and consistently developed this theory. He showed that the value of every commodity is determined by the resources and quantity of socially necessary labor time spent on its production.
Where the bourgeois economists saw a relation of things (the exchange of one commodity for another), Marx revealed a Relation of Men. The exchange of commodities expresses the tie by which individual producers are bound through the market. Money signifies that this tie is becoming closer and closer, inseparably binding the entire economic life of the individual producers into one whole. Capital signifies a further development of this tie: man’s labor power becomes a commodity. The wage-worker sells labor power to the owner of the land, factories and instruments of labor. The worker uses one part of the labor day to cover the expense of maintaining himself and his family (wages), while the other part of the day the worker toils without remuneration, creating surplus value for the capitalist, the source of profit, the source of the wealth of the capitalist class.
The doctrine of surplus value is the cornerstone of Marx’s economic theory. Capital, created by the labor of the worker, presses on the worker by ruining the small masters and creating an army of unemployed. In industry, the victory of large-scale production is at once apparent, but we observe the same phenomenon in agriculture as well: the superiority of large-scale capitalist agriculture increases, the application of machinery grows, peasant economy falls into the noose of money-capital, it declines and sinks into ruin, burdened by its backward technique. In agriculture, the decline of small-scale production assumes different forms, but the decline itself is an indisputable fact.
By destroying small-scale production, capital leads an increase in productivity of labor and to the creation of a monopoly position for the associations of big capitalists. Production itself becomes more and more social-hundreds of thousands and millions of workers become bound together in a systematic economic organism-but the product of the collective labor is appropriated by a handful of capitalists. The anarchy of production grows, as do crises, the furious chase after markets and the insecurity of existence of the mass of the population.
While increasing the dependence of the workers on capital, the capitalist system creates the great power of united labor. Marx traced the development of capitalism from the first germs of commodity economy, from simple exchange, to its highest forms, to large-scale production. And the experience of all capitalist countries, old and new, is clearly demonstrating the truth of this Marxian doctrine to increasing numbers of workers every year. Capitalism has triumphed all over the world, but this triumph is only the prelude to the triumph of labor over capital.” - Lenin
You ruled out central planning, but it plays a vital role in the communist system. Marxists propose reorganizing the economy so production is for the fulfillment of human needs and not private greed. The commanding heights of the economy, the top 150 banks and corporations that control 85% of Canadian commerce, must be nationalized and democratically controlled by the workers. The bosses can’t take their factories down to Mexico if the workers are occupying them. When the majority comes together to collectively decide how to plan the economy, in the interests of all, we will be able to eradicate poverty. Even under present day chaotic unplanned capitalism there is enough wealth for each family to be worth over one third of a million dollars if only it was distributed equally. Production for need enables us to destroy the boom slump cycle and lower the working week to create full employment.