• @Elrood:


    About blaming bidding for the possibility to ‘KJF’ (with or without the ‘K’)… Correct me if I am wrong but I think without bidding, the UK will either loose both Egypt and India (which means game over for the allies), or if they realize this, weaken India even further because they bring over troops and particularly aircraft from india to save Egypt. Which hurts, but is not game over.

    Thanks for appreciating my post.�  :-)

    And the above is subject to some theoretical discussions and testing with nerquen (US income bidding promoter). We are not sure about it yet. And as much as I would like to discuss that, we should not hack YGH thread with such side-topic. But I would be glad to invite you into the discussion / playtest to get some more insight in subject. But elsewhere of course.�  :-)

    Thanks for the invite, Elrood :-)! I need a break from playing A&A at the moment, but I’d definately like to participate with you guys. I 'll discuss the details any further with you guys in private then, to avoid any possible hijacking :lol:.

  • 2024 '22 '19 '17 '15

    Ok  :-) Then lets continue here: http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=35683.15 with that aspect of the game. So this thread is no longer hijacked.

  • YG, i haven’t played enough times to really develop a “USA Strategy”, however, my thoughts on things i would be interest in knowing would be perhaps to do a few examples like:

    1. Euro heavy offense options and buys.  Discuss Norway, Gibraltar, Med, Africa, and combining fleets with UK to Can Open Western Europe.
    2. Pacific Defensive (If Euro offensive).  Heavy Sub/destroyer or air perhaps?  Blocking moves.  Island objectives.  Important sea zones

    3. Pacific heavy offense options and buys.  Caroline islands, potential naval base, retaking Philippines, splitting japan navy.  importance of carriers, subs, and destroyers.  Can open with UK/ANZAC.  Money islands.  Other ideas on how to neuter japan

    4. Euro defensive buy.  (If pacific offensive)  Harass gibraltar/N Africa? Rid atlantic of subs?  Any other thoughts….

    Those are things i would love ideas for at least :)

  • Hi Young Grasshopper-
    I don’t have a lot to say about what to put in the video, as I’ve only played Global a few times. 
    I just wanted to tell you that I ran across your USSR and Japan videos earlier today while on Youtube and was very impressed.  Japan in particular was a revelation.  Good stuff, and I hope to use in soon.  Perhaps in correlation with this German Dark Skies strategy that’s been getting a lot of buzz on the boards.
    Thanks again.

  • Hey

    I will say that some of the most importent things the USA should do on the european map is to control Gibraltar and Marroco to prevent the Italiens getting 2X 5 IPC bonus’s, and then they just have to build up with land units and cheap navel units, so they are ready to move to London in case that London is falling. In the first round they should buy at least 2 transporters for the european map so they can take Brazil in the same round America enter the war. Brazil will act like a money cow…

    As other people here wrote it is very importent to act with patience, and be careful to get in a situation where you are a “sitting Duck” The american supply linie is very long. Even that america is earning a lot of money then don’t buy a lot of expensive units, like battleships and carriers, You do also need a lot of submarines and destroyers as a canon fodder, because one unit is still one dice. In the longer run america can buy subs and challenge the italian fleet in med. But be careful not spending to much money in europe, because Japan is getting very strong, and will control all asia, without a american fleet.
    In the pacific america should move against the carolines islands, and remember to put blockers up to prevent the hole japanese fleet to attack your fleet…  put one destroyer at midway island to prevent a pearl Harbour :)

  • Customizer

    In our games of Global, we tend to have mostly Axis victories. I would say roughly 60-65%. We had more Axis victories in the earlier games but now the Allies are slowly catching up. For later games it might even be close to 50-50.

    Some of the Allied wins are due to our players learning better strategies and getting more experience with the game. Some are due to the Axis players getting bored with the “usual” strategies and trying something new and perhaps off the wall which ends up not working so well and the Allies end up mopping up the mess.

    Odd strategies not withstanding, most of our Allied wins involve the US going hard after Japan first – either actually taking Tokyo out or neutralizing Japan by killing off the fleet and surrounding the island with subs. Between convoy raids and SBRs, Japan is not making much money while China and India whittles down what land army they have left.
    Even this only works if Sealion doesn’t happen so UK is still in the game and keeps Italy out of Africa and the Middle East and Russia can hold onto Moscow.

    Like others have said before, the US won’t win by spending somewhat evenly on both sides. They just can’t get enough stuff to really overpower the Axis on either side.

    I have rarely seen the Allies win with the US going heavy Atlantic and making the Pacific low priority. It gives Japan too much freedom to romp around the Pacific and Asia gobbling up territory and killing Allied units. China, India and ANZAC can not handle Japan on their own without a significant US presence out there, at the very least in a strong enough navy to challenge the IJN. Warships cost money so the US will have to spend a fair amount in the Pacific to even match Japan, much less surpass them. Since it has already been stated that if the US spends evenly in both theaters, they are likely doomed in both, the US might as well spend the majority of their money in the Pacific and pound Japan good and quick. After all, you don’t want to give Germany too much time to wail on the doors of Moscow.

    Now, I have seen a couple of games where the US spent heavier in the Atlantic, approximately 75% or so, and the Allies ended up winning, but these were more due to Germany’s failure to take Moscow with no “second wave” to continue the fight. This resulted in Russia being able to build back it’s forces and battle back to Germany (kind of like in the real war). Also, Japan in those games simply failed to take their objectives. Either they just didn’t plan right or got bogged down in some places.

    So my advice for US strategy is to go heavy Pacific and take Japan out as quickly as possible, then go after Europe. I know it seems like a tired old strategy and a lot of guys get kind of tired of it, but I think it is the best way to achieve an Allied victory. If you can find a better balance, then good luck to you.

  • The problem with KJF is that the Luftwaffe can then be unleashed against Moscow. 
    Without the Luftwaffe, Moscow will hold…but with the Luftwaffe ( equal to 12 -14 tanks)… chances are poor.
    Only way to keep Luftwaffe in W. Germany, is with US+UK TRs in Atlantic… unless there is another way…?
    KJF problem is that unless its is done quickly (Japanese player must cooperate) …  and with Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe at its doors…Moscow will fall by G6 or G7 at latest… and then the race to Egypt starts…
    So 2  questions are:
    1)  with KJF, realistically, with a good Japanese player… how quickly can Japan be contained to home islands, by which turn?
    2) and what US buys would be optimum for that scenario?.. i mean… ( do not even bring the K… in the KJF, because if Japan stacks…it will take a long time)

  • Sponsor

    Thanks for all the comments everyone, hopefully I can do the American strategy video during this long weekend (Canada’s Queen day).

  • '17 '16 '15

    Victoria Day

    A hockey watching weekend if there ever was

  • One last rant to add to every excellent point every1 has already made, the options the USA has seem to boil down to this (very basically, because I don’t want to complicate things anymore at this point):

    1). Go GF for the first 2-3 turns and then switch gears to JF. This has good uses and the resulting monstrous Japan is not the end of the world, because the upside is that either Russia will survive, or, if Germany takes it down, the allies will make monstrous gains in Western Europe;
    2). Go JF for the first 3 turns max and then switch gears back to Europe. This looks as good (or bad ;-)) as the above GF proposal, but this time Germany will become monstrous instead of Japan;
    3). Go 'K’JF. Same as point 2 above, but now continue against Japan for 3 more turns. Allies need to realize that either Moscow or Cairo will be lost to Germany and they will have to fight for control of the other, remaining VC. Looks very dangerous but do-able.
    4). KGF is not an option, unless, to a somewhat limited extend, if the allies can see Japan focus a lot on Russia and the Med, after they took India.

    With all the above strategies, the allies need a perfect tactical execution. Somethig many players fail a lot at, which causes so many allied losses these days. And if playing with dice, they need luck as well.

  • Sponsor

    The video is up, Just want to thank everyone for their comments and suggestions for this American strategy video in my series. You were all very helpful…. sorry IIIC, did see your last post before I uploaded the video, but you made some good points.


  • Hi YG,
    thank you VERY much for this strategy video! I really enjoy all of you’re series.
    And - whenever you will find the time to do them - I am very curious to see a small tutorial concerning with the two ‘smaller’ major powers, ANZAC and Germany’s little helper Italy.  :lol:
    Greetings from Germany,

  • Thank you YG, that was really helpful. I Know some friends who own Global and if I’m ever USA I now have a good idea what to do.

  • Sponsor

    Cheers Lars and Frederick, and welcome to axis and allies.org

  • @Young:

    (…) sorry IIIC, did see your last post before I uploaded the video, but you made some good points.


    NP YG. The video is awesome and ‘The Complete Series’ is a great aid for playing the game and for every A&A-fan a must see!
    With your help, newer payers will be using veteran strategies much quicker :-D.

  • Sponsor


    With your help, newer payers will be using veteran strategies much quicker :-D.

    That was precisely my goal, thanks buddy.

  • Most informative video. Thanks for all your hard work YG. I originally thought the US would be the most fun nation to play. Found that it is most challenging  thus the most difficult nation to play IMO. All that money, all the options but one mistake could be fatal for the allies.  Very difficult to figure what exactly to do with the US. I believe that they must be responsible for SBR’S on both japan and Germany along with having the fleet to convoy japan. After that is where I have problems. Maybe I’m spending too much on bombers, not enough on troops and transports.

  • '17 '16 '15

    Having some bombers is fine but I wouldn’t use them to SBR that much, especially against Germany. They have so many factories it doesn’t really impact them that much. Plus it sucks when they get shot down.

  • Point well taken Barney. It does suck when they get shot down no doubt. Found you can really strangle Japan with SBR’s especially after taking DEI away from them. Tougher with Germany.

  • If the american bombers can get to china they could SBR the japanese factories on the chinese coast that would really hurt japan more than SBR on Tokyo.

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