@superbattleshipyamato Honestly, you’d be better off looking the different Global Wars up on YouTube. Lots of great channels out there, and tons of comprehensive videos.
Suggestions on American Stratergy
Good day. I am finally playing the US in the Global 39 game and I am interested in any suggestions for playing the US in this game. I have already been drawn into the war on round 4 by a surprise Japanese attack. Fortunately it was a small fleet. I had an production level of 58 at the time. I had built 6 destroyers in the previous rounds all for the Atlantic side. Gotta kill the u-boats. On my first full production round, I attempted a 20IPC lend to the FEC and the ANZAC player inorder to upgrade their factories. The FEC received half while the full amount went through to the ANZACs.
I have landed in Rio De Oro which is in UK hands. In the previous versions of the game, Gibraltor is with in reach of the US naval bases. A shuttle system is easy. In “39”, it takes two turns and you end up with a fleet just sitting in the Atlantic. I can hear the wolf packs howling now. It was suggested by one of the other players to build the naval base in Panama on the Atlantic side. A minor IC would be handy there as well. I have played the US to be more invasion oriented on the Atlantic side and more of the hunting type of fleet on the Pacific side but I am always looking to learn more about the game. Thanks.
Max lend lease every turn and massive strategic bombing. build a fleet in the pacific, but doen’t put much into a european army.
So you play to keep the axis from getting the victory cities rather than to defeat the axis by taking their capitols. So the US player is reduced to being a bank and a harassment to the Japanese. Thanks for the option.