• Maybe if the Democratic Leadership in LA wasn’t so incompetent they actually would have evacuated the populace.

    (see Hurricane Rita preperation)

    The Dems can mobilize buses to get people to vote, but apparently they can’t mobilise people to get out of dodge.

    I think what gets the Dems so mad is that NO was such a bastion of Liberalism, that this hurricane stripped away all the walls and showed the world what an utter failure Liberalism is. NO has been run by Dems for 60 years, yet it many of its people were poor and left behind by the very Democrats that they elected into office.

    Rita hasn’t even hit Texas yet… and they already screwed up with the evacuations. No gas. Clogged freeways. Stalled vehicles. No supplies. Already there have been deaths and crimes being committed.

    Yeah… I guess that they have a decent excuse?? Cough it up, DM. You know in a time of potential disaster, THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT NEEDS TO STEP IN AND NOT WAIT FOR SOME PAPER WORK REQUEST. They are more “on the ball” in this case (due to the results of Rita) but still have FAILED on multiple levels in the evac.

  • no, baker, you are thinking of the AOC. the constitution very much intended for this country to be one nation, rather than states loosely tied together

  • Janus,

    Certainly, the current system is structured for a more centralized government than the AOC, of that there is no doubt. But it is my opinion that the system was still intended to have a very weak federal government. For example, see Amendment X of the constitution “The powers not delgated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Of course this is a matter of opinion.

  • certainly. its entirely a matter of interpretation, so fair enough. but clearly, we disagree

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