All the numerous exchange on Air Patrol and Scramble phase from the Uncrustable’s G40 Enhanced thread made me think about this alternative mechanics to get a more historical/tactical flavour with aircrafts inside the combat phase resolution.
I submit it to everyone for you review and comments.
And all crazy things is on me.
Buckle up, it has some weird things in it (like killing a specific unit on “1” roll).
Here it is:
Fg A2D2M4C8 All hit destroy an enemy planes, if there is any. Get +1A/D when there is no enemy planes (Air Supremacy bonus).
TcB A3D3M4C10, TBR, paired with Fg or Arm get +1A, any “1” roll offence /defence destroy a plane, if there is any.
StB A4D1M6C12, SBR & TBR (1D6+2), any “1” roll on offence destroy a plane, if there is any.
AAA as OOB, always make Preemptive strike (before first round of reg combat) vs enemy planes.
All combats are treated this way:
It is a regular combat either Naval or ground battle (no difference).
Two exceptions,
when a Fighter roll “1” or “2”, then owner’s must pick one plane as a casualty.
when a TcB off/def or attacking StB roll “1”, then owner’s must pick one plane as a casualty.
When there is no more aircraft on one side, all Fighters become regular aircrafts A3/D3 targeting ground units (either attacking or defending).
It is the Air Supremacy bonus +1 (applying in the situation, whether attacking or defending).
So Fighter units keep the main traits:
an aircraft which fight against other aircrafts, most of the time.
Other Bombers (TcB/StB) keep the ground units as their main target on a roll “2” “3” “4”.
But a “1” is considered a hit resulting from an Air battle over the combat ground.
When there is only remaining Fighter on one side and the other have both ground and air units, this Fighter stay A2D2 until all enemy air units are destroyed.
When there is only remaining Bombers (StB or TcB) on one side, they keep their attack or defence stats.
For example 1a: 2 StBs A4 vs 2 InfD2 and 1 Fg. The Fg keep D2, while StBs keep A4.
On a roll of “2-3-4”, StB hit ground units and on a roll of “1” it is the Fg.
When there is only planes vs planes, all planes keep their attacking and defending value.
For example 1b: after the 1 StB destroyed and the 2 Inf taken as casualties, there is only 1 StB and 1 Fg left.
Then StB still attack @4 and Fg still defend @2.
Do you think that this special dedicated Fighter unit and those special “1” from Bombers will unbalance everything or not?
No Air combat single round in this.
Only the main battle in which you bring every units.
I hope I could try it somehow on a gameboard.
What do you think?
Here I share my first impression on this Air combat HR for fighters:
Their will be much more aircrafts destroyed, so it means a higher cost to replace casualties.
It is not just Inf cheap fodder, even if we bring a lot of them, there can be aircraft(s) lost even with a victorious conquest.
**Fighter could be see now like an air Destroyer (for air Cruiser and air Battleship) for TcB and StB.
Maybe this rule for combat and stats imply a slight reduction cost adjustment for planes because now they become more vulnerable to each others and specially to the cheaper fighter than before.
Example of cost calculation to fix this theoretical cost:
Fg cost 7? (Only 1 IPC over Armor) 4 A/D pts+4 move -1= 7 IPCs
TcB cost 8-9 ? (Almost the cost of DD?) 6 A/D pts+4 move -1 = 9 IPCs
StB cost 10-11? (-1 or -2 from OOB) 5 A/D pts+ 6 move -1 = 10 IPCs
There is no danger of any StB Spam because any Fg can more easily destroy them and you can more easily afford to lose a 7-8 IPCs unit than a 10-11-12 IPCs.
That was far different when Fighter cost 10 and StB cost 12.
I’m pretty sure that the attrition of units will be far less predictable.
When you bring for example this 9 hits vs 9 hits battle:
4 Infs + 2 Arms + 3 StBs vs 6 Infs + 3Fgs
4@1 + 2@3 + 3@4 vs 6@2 + 3@2***
4+6+9= 19 Atk pts +3 air Atk pts vs 12 Def pts + 6 air Def pts
Every side has a chance to hit either ground and air target.
But the 3 StBs are more vulnerable and can be hit hard any time by 3D@2 from fighters.
And if the 3 StBs are all destroyed,
then any remaining Fgs become D@3 (D2+1 Air Supremacy bonus) vs remaining attacker’s ground units.
Feel free to comment on any aspects.