• I have a German opening too. Titled “Pincer Move” for what it does on the Western Front.

    All Ruhr to Belgium
    All Munich to Switzerland
    All Silesia to Poland
    All Prussia to Poland
    All Kiel to Ruhr
    All Hanover to Munich
    1/2 Berlin to Silesia, 1/2 Berlin to Prussia, send the fighter to Poland
    Alsace stands
    Togoland to Nigeria
    Kamerun to French Equatorial
    German East and South-West stand

    The naval attack on the Grand Fleet is crucial. You absolutely must keep the British from France for a few turns. The Pincer Move puts high priority on outflanking Lorraine, dealing a critical blow to the French straight-out and quickly ending the war. The fighter goes to Poland mainly because it can reach, and a secure east is vital to the success of the Pincer. Africa is really inconsequential. Austria is not, and if needs be you must prop up your southern ally to ensure victory in the west. Let the Frenchman attack Alsace if he so chooses, he is overextended and you can easily decapitate his army. The Pincer, with Austrian success in Romania and Ukraine and naval success in the North Sea, can be a way to defeat the French before their allies arrive in numbers.

  • Why send any troops to Prussia?

    And what about sending 2 subs to seazone 2?

  • that are tactics…
    where is your main focus: russia or france?
    combining france with italy conquest might be good idea (so combined with austria)

  • I think its more important to kill the UK home fleet.

  • @oztea:

    I think its more important to kill the UK home fleet.

    What, I didn’t make it clear enough how much it needed to be destroyed?


    that are tactics…
    where is your main focus: russia or france?
    combining france with italy conquest might be good idea (so combined with austria)

    France, as I rather screamed. You must- I cannot emphasize this enough- MUST destroy France quickly. The Pincer, and Germany as a whole, is built for speed. Allow the Allies to seize the initiative, and you may as well surrender already.


    Why send any troops to Prussia?

    And what about sending 2 subs to seazone 2?

    I suppose you could send all troops to Silesia if you wanted, but remember that Poland must be secured to be able to place all focus on the Western Front. It doesn’t particularly matter where the troops go, just so long as the Russian can’t break through.
    And I am not willing to sacrifice any naval power from the grand assault on the Royal Navy. They must be wiped out and fast to keep reinforcements from reaching France. Germany cannot outproduce both Britain and France.

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