I was playing a game last night with one of my friends, it was a one v one. i was playing as the axis, he as the allies. we were using all the normal rules, no variations.
I had advanced into japan pretty far, and during one of my turns i noticed that he had a lot of uncoccupied territories sorrounding russia. so i started buying tanks, so that i could blitz them. i had 2 IC’s on asia, and was mass producing 6 tanks per turn. this seemed like a good idea, but when i had a force of 12 tanks, i didn’t want to seperate them, and leave them vulnurable to attack. so now my question.
if i am in yakut wiht my tanks, can i blitz into unoccupied, russian controlled novosibirsk(the two are adjasent) and then use my second move to come right back to the territory i started from, yakut ssr?
my friend thought the move would be illegal, and i wasn’t sure, so i gave him the benifit of the doubt, and i wasn’t aloud to do it, so now i’m asking for someone who can prove him wrong.