Some comments:
… the US does go in and bomb the hell out of every1, but then it rebuilds them, and they become better than they were (Germany, Japan).
@ “better than they were”. Well, surely better than “right after the war” or “during late of the war”…. and i don’t think you like our pacificism of the moment as “better”.
…As for who started it(approximately in chronological order)…
The guy who picked up the first rock started it…
Some have been left out, but the point is…
well, nobody started itand
they didn’t have to respond
the way they chose to respond.
One important guy you forgot: The first guy who fenced in an area, sat himself in the middle and said “this is mine”.
For the “didn’t have to respond the way”… well, that is something that applies to every nation. But still, you can have a different opinion wether the decision was smart or not. When it comes to the US, i more often fell the “not” than the “smart”.
Whether North Vietnam was a democracy or not is irrelevant. You cannot force a democracy upon people who do not wish to have it and who do not respect it. It will simplycollapse and turn into a dictatorship. Democracy is something that has to evolve over time in societies.
i mean really - i’ve never defended communism in any of these fora - F_alk will tell you that.
My point is simply that America takes on communism as the evil that must be attacked at all costs lest it overtake America. For me this is the biggest joke. All the world should thank America for defending it against this “evil”? America has not done many favors defending countries (particularly in central and south America) from socialism and communism.
I second these two.