@leemorrison You’re being polite. Yes I got my bomber and some air shot down during the first two turns but I overextended very badly with Japan, mostly because I underestimated the value the tanks would give you in terms of exploiting openings in my positions.
R02 - DutchmanD (Axis) vs Battling Maxo (Allies +14);
Kwang taken with 1 art + 1 ftr
SFE, Stano, Rhod, Persia, Sik, taken by walk-in
inf, arm Manch > Bury
2 bom, ftr Chi > Nin
ftr Hup > Kiangsu
ftr Kwang > Phil
inf NG > Phil
BB, AC, ftr z48 > z50
5 inf Japan > Bury
ftr Jordan > Germany
2 ftrs Jordan > France
ifn FIC > Phil
Ac Z62 > Z50
cru, AC > z38
tnp z37 > z35Mobilization
IC India
AC, sub, ftr, dd z62Collect $60
Has $60I certainly understand a busy work week. Feel free to insert a Russian inf in Chi and remove a ChiCom.
UK 3 buy art arm 4inf save 8
bb ca cv 3dd ftr z6/bmb uk>>z4
inf uk>>fin ( )
2inf art arm ftr uk/ftr cau>>kar
Kar twol
2ftr kar>>bel bmb z5>>cau trn z55>>z56
mobilize art arm 4inf uk collect 21+8=29
Ukraine taken with 1 inf.
cru z15 > z16
3 inf Italy > France
ftr z6 > France
inf Egypt > LibMobilization
2 ftrs MilanCollect $22
Has $22 -
Fixed ftr sitting in Kwang…
US 3 buy 2dd 2trn 2ss arm inf save 0
inf ala/2inf wus>>wca inf arm eus>>eca ftr z56/fleet z10>>z9 ftr aus>>z56
mobilize arm wus inf eus dd ss trn z56/z10 collect 50
Chinamen stand pat.
Kar taken with 1 inf + ftr, 3 bombers
FEq, NWE taken by walk-in, blitz
ftr France > Epl
inf France > Germany
ftr, arm Bulg > Epl
2 arm Germany > Epl
5 inf, 4 arm Pol > Epl
inf, 2 art, 5 arm Bst > Epl
8 inf Germany > Pol
bom Kar > France
ftr, 2 bom Kar > EplMobilization
7 inf, 3 art Germany
6 inf FranceCollect
58. has 58 -
Russia 4 buy arm 2art 4inf save 0
inf bel>>bst ( )
2inf art bel>>kar
Kar twlo inf
inf kaz>>chi inf rus>>euk/kaz 3arm rus>>cau 12inf 7arm aa bel>>rus 7inf yak>>eve ss z6>>z12
mobilize arm 3inf cau 2art inf rus collect 24
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