FMGC 2013 - Planning, Roster, Suggestions, Invites

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    FMGC 2012 is over, but the battle of 2013 has just begun.
    (And you thought you were going to get a break Jeremy - Ha!)

    Yes, I do realize it is some 360+ days away, but we were all contributing to the planning for the 2012 some 6 months in advance, and since we’ve got everyone’s attention, and excitement, we might as well talk about it now. It’s also fresh in our memory, and that makes any improvements easier to remember!

    OFFICAL CONFIRMED ROSTER - (As of April 24th 2012)

    • Gargantua
    • FieldMarshalGames
    • AxisPlaya
    • TwistedAries
    • YoungGrasshopper

    Suggesstions and things to think about for next year:

    - If over 60 people show up, it will get crammed in that room, what is the overflow strategy? Tents outside? How the hell would we arrange that? FMG? :P Do they have another empty/ open hangar nearby?

    - I didn’t hear any complaints over the weekend, but I did hear, and did agree with some players, that sitting at a standard height table, was more uncomfortable, than if people were to stand at higher than normal height tables. Strategies to resolve this anyone?

    - The Uniforms/Costumes made everything a hell of alot more fun, what can we do to encourage more attendee’s to do the same? I am willing to pitch in!

    - The Bar and Food available was really good, but perhaps we could have had an official lunch hour, and done a super sub run? I know subway takes orders by fax, if you pre plan it and drop off the sheet.

    - More AA.orgers, We had about 15, if all of us arm twist ONE MORE PERSON into coming, we’ll have over thirty attendee’s. Maybe you get 1 extra door prize ticket, if you officially bring someone else from from the event, who did not participate last year?

    Lets not forget these things that were done well that we’ll have to do again!

    • Music was good
    • Having the projector running was cool
    • Door Prizes (I think everyone got something!)
    • Same Venue
    • Ride sharing
    • What else?

    Please confirm your attendance, and add your ideas and suggestions! I’ll try to keep editing the top post to keep all the current information.

  • Customizer

    A lot of these ideas are great, and we will take them in consideration when planning FMGC 2013.  Thanks for starting the post and we will do our best to make next year even better than the last!

    The only thing I can say at this time, is we are a little concerned about space.  Jeremy, Jamie(Rorschach) and I have spoke about this before, and although we truly, truly LOVE the 420 Wing Association building, it may just not hold us all if we grow significantly next year.  Which I believe we will grow significantly with the huge success we had this year!

    We have discussed that perhaps, if we have to move, is to look at the RCAC Royal Canadian Armoured Corps Headquarters in Downtown Oshawa.  This building has a boat load of history, being built in 1866 and becoming the Headquarters for the Armoured Corps at the beginning of WW1, it might be the next best thing that will suit our needs and still maintain a war type theme.

    It is also close to restaurants, pubs and just that much closer to hotels.  One thing about Downtown Oshawa, is the zombies that are walking around!  LOL!

    Here are some images I found online.

    Tank outside of the building with a plaque of fallen soldiers in WW2.

    Although, the Armoury would be a huge jump in size when we might not need it just yet.

    Perhaps Jeremy can work his kungfu and see if the 420 wing would allow us to use their private back room.

    Thanks again Gargantua for starting this!  We can always use help and I hope this topic continues to grow all year!

    TwistedAries out!

  • '10


    OFFICAL CONFIRMED ROSTER - (As of April 24th 2012)

    • Gargantua
    • FieldMarshalGames

    Unless i’m dead, i will be there too.

  • Sponsor

    I agree that it’s never to early to prepare personal plans to attend and to get the ball rolling on inviting new recruits.

    I (Young Grasshopper) will be attending the FMGC 2013 100%

    My personal goals for next year’s FMG convention

    • Renovate my basement (the Cliffside A&A Club), and build a new customized game table.
    • Again offer room and board to three attendees ( Gargantua, Axisplaya, Suprise Attack).
    • Design and print awesome T-shirts for members of the Cliffside Axis & Allies Club.
    • Finish and display the prototype of my personally designed board game “Majasty”
    • Go to colleges and universities within the province to help promote the convention.
    • Learn more about playing A&A miniatures, and Rules of Engagement.
    • Build and paint one structure piece to be used in a Rules of Engagement game.

    What I think should stay the same

    • Venue!, Venue!, Venue!, (maybe open the unused area in the back for overflow).
    • Door prizes, and the way they were distributed (Our club will donate something next year).
    • The music and war time broadcasts (add an air raid siren when you want everyones attention).
    • The place of honor (raised level, center) reserved for James’s Rules of Engagement table.
    • The Saturday late night pizza run (much appreciated at that point in the day).

    What I think could be improved upon

    • The crappy England style weather (you would think that $40 would buy you a little sunshine).
    • The lighting on some of the corner area tables was poor (understandably a difficult fix).
    • There should be material available (flyers) for all kinds of food delivery services in the area.
    • I think there should have been more rectangle tables than round ones (if there was a choice).
  • '10


    I- Again offer room and board to three attendees ( Gargantua, Axisplaya, __________ ).

    Oh my god…i’m so happy to see my name in there !!!

    Yeeehaaaaa !!

  • I’m in!

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Thanks for the Invite YG!

    That bed was comfy man…

    As for other suggestions…

    • What if the event ran 3 days instead of 2?

    • And should I pack a step stool for Jeremy?   :D

  • Sponsor


    Thanks for the Invite YG!
    No problem, you’re harmless enough (pppppuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr).

    That bed was comfy man…
    That one may not be yours next year.

    As for other suggestions…

    • What if the event ran 3 days instead of 2?
      You may want to clear that with the people who have to work hard for 2 days as it is. However, I would like to suggest a later night of gaming Sunday.

    • And should I pack a step stool for Jeremy? � :D
      He had his own, it was called a Sherman.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Oh and maybe Most Holy could host a sunday night “drinking game” event. lol.

  • You can count on me filling up the tank in the car and fluing up there for a weekend of gaming.
    Thanks Clyde for letting me borrow the Soviet Warrant Officer’s uniform, it was a little small on me too. I would definitly wear garb if it was avalable, besides my concentration camp pajama shirt. The overflow area could be a good area for the larger games and or touny’s 2 on 2 or three on three or three on five, more room for more games, if the 420 R.C.A.F. says so

  • '12

    Maybe try to get a group rate at a hotel where all the rooms are side by side.  2 Days did seem to go by awfully fast.  420 Wing would probably be just big enough for next year if that back room were available to use and perhaps a tent to put unused chairs/tables in to make all the floor space usable.  Some secondary lighting would improve the usability of all the floor space.    An organised food run is a great idea as is having more rectangular tables.

  • My ring tone on my cell phone is an Air Raid sound, if ya’ll are intrested I’ll send it to ya.

  • Sponsor


    You can count on me filling up the tank in the car and fluing up there for a weekend of gaming.
    Thanks Clyde for letting me borrow the Soviet Warrant Officer’s uniform, it was a little small on me too. I would definitly wear garb if it was avalable, besides my concentration camp pajama shirt. The overflow area could be a good area for the larger games and or touny’s 2 on 2 or three on three or three on five, more room for more games, if the 420 R.C.A.F. says so

    Hey SA,

    I’ve given you a bed at my place for next year’s convention.

  • Sponsor

    I want Gargantua, Axisplaya and Suprise Attack at my place Friday afternoon for a game of Global before the convention begins (Team Gargantua vs. Team Axisplaya), please make plans accordingly.

  • @Young:

    What I think could be improved upon

    • The crappy England style weather (you would think that $40 would buy you a little sunshine).

    But we ordered that weather specifically for the event!!  You didn’t like it?  ;)

    • The lighting on some of the corner area tables was poor (understandably a difficult fix).

    Easy fix.  We can all bring some floor lamps for darker corners.

    • There should be material available (flyers) for all kinds of food delivery services in the area.

    I totally meant to do that for THIS year but ran out of time (and never mentioned it to anyone else to do so), although we did have a listing of all the fast and sit down food restaurants from the venue to the highway.

    • I think there should have been more rectangle tables than round ones (if there was a choice).Â

    I’m going to try to convince Twistedaries to bring his tables next year.  Unfortunately we used ALL the square and rectangular tables there were in the venue quite early.

  • Regarding the size of the venue, we were discussing that at the end of the evening on Sunday.

    We could definatley have optimized the space a LOT better, so there could easily be another 4-5 tables available (or just more walking room).
    I (personally) doubt we will have access to that other room, as that is for 420wing members only (it’s their clubhouse so-to-speak).  But with the extra space we CAN make we can make it work.

    I think the best bet is to put a CAP on the number of tickets available, for the next year anyway.  If it hits that, then absolutely we need to consider moving the event (sadly and happily at the same time).  If we had 50-60 show up, I imagine we could cap it at 80 (the venue apparently holds 100 in that main room alone), leaving a little leeway for walkins.

  • @Gargantua:

    • What if the event ran 3 days instead of 2?

    • And should I pack a step stool for Jeremy?   :D

    The only issue I can see with a 3 day event at THAT location is that they seem to have a members-type event going on most Friday nights.  We had to hang out until they slowly left in order to get in and do a super-rush setup this year.  Last year we couldn’t even get in friday night to set up and did it all Saturday morning!

  • I have a minor suggestion.  Next year I volunteer to start something called “swap box”.  I’ll bring a box of pieces that I don’t have use for and put it out for people to swap pieces, chips, dice, whatever crap they don’t have use for.  Take something; leave something.  One man’s trash is another’s treasure.

    One more thing: the food from 5 guys was very good.

  • Sponsor


    Regarding the size of the venue, we were discussing that at the end of the evening on Sunday.

    We could definatley have optimized the space a LOT better, so there could easily be another 4-5 tables available (or just more walking room).
    I (personally) doubt we will have access to that other room, as that is for 420wing members only (it’s their clubhouse so-to-speak).� But with the extra space we CAN make we can make it work.

    I think the best bet is to put a CAP on the number of tickets available, for the next year anyway.� If it hits that, then absolutely we need to consider moving the event (sadly and happily at the same time).� If we had 50-60 show up, I imagine we could cap it at 80 (the venue apparently holds 100 in that main room alone), leaving a little leeway for walkins.

    I agree, The space has great potential and could be used in a different way to accommodate more. I bet that 4 more table could fit between the projector and the front door alone. no point in leaving such an awesome hall until we actually see between 80>90 participants attend. I would cap it at 90 (70 for preregistration and 20 for walk ins) and if it’s reached, than it’s time to walk with the Zombies of down town Oshawa.

  • Tanks Young Grasshopper!!! I’ll see you in 362 days if not sooner at a game in Niagara Falls.

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