If your playing a smart player, who does not “Pearl Harbor” with Japan and uses the Navy to take India which is basically Impossible to stop. Do not buy Industrial complex turn 1. Wait and see if the Japan player does “Pearl Harbor” or not if he does then you should be safe but i would wait until turn 2 or 3. Don’t forget about the 2 infantry and transport in Australia they help defend India very well, Also the transport can move Infantry from Africa to India (after Germany has been removed from Africa). My favorite UK strategy is to fly fighters from India to Russia “Moscow”. Creates a brick wall of infantry and fighters to setup a long game to use the Allied 3 turn advantage to win. Its hilarious to watch Germany throw tanks and infantry trying to wear down Russia and the 10+ UK fighters and Russian Infantry just obliterate them.
Can UK deploy in sz3?
Simple question:
Is sz3 next to UK? Say I buy an aircraft carrier, can I put it there at the end of my turn? I know it’s a dumb question, but our game board is quite unclear about it, and even though I’m quite sure that it does, my damned (I’m losing a game right now) opponent wants proof…
Ask your opponent how sea zone 3 is NOT adjacent to UK.
Because it clearly is.
When you have a big adjacent border - it doesn’t need to be a straight line - two territories or sea zones are clearly adjacent. It’s when there’s a corner, or when something looks like it might be a corner, that things get questionable. But SZ3 doesn’t share just a corner with UK.
(edit) looking at the actual game board, it actually isn’t so clear . . . . :oops:
2, 3, 6, 7 and 8 are all viable deployment zones for the UK.
Ok, thanks.
I know it may seem a stupid question, but it’s just very difficult to see on our game board. Perhaps there’s some kind of printing error on it, 'cause it’s like it’s only the edge of the corner that touches the most northern point of Scotland?
You’re right, it’s not very clear on the map. See the FAQ for clarifications on this and other conncections between spaces.
Mannstein, if it’s any consolation, the first couple times our group played nobody thought Sz3 was an option to build in. Searching the internet for a FAQ sheet on the game is what lead me to this site.