Next British & French Empires versus German & Ottoman Empires.
Round One: German Empire builds a BB, C, sub., &, transport. Land forces begin to head for Lorraine, fighter flies to Kiel. In Alsace garrison enters Lorraine, 7 troopers & 3 guns, versus, Fr. 6 troopers & 2 guns. Losses Axis 5 troopers & Allies 4 troopers, Lorraine is contested.
In Africa undefended British colonies of Nigeria and Gold Coast occupied by troopers from Togoland & Kamerun. From Sea Zone #7 two subs., go off Canada, versus, Canadian C & transport. Losses Axis a sub., &, all Allies. From Sea zone #5 & 10, fleet enters Brits. Home Waters. BB(mine damaged), C, &, 2 subs., versus, Brits. BB, 2 C, &, transport. All losses except damaged Brit. BB.
French Empire builds fighter & 6 troopers. Trooper sent to Marseilles(leaves 2 guns In Burgundy as a reserve), reinforcements sent to Lorraine, &, fighter sent from capital to Picardy. Also trooper & gun for Atlantic seacoast, to protect from any sea landings. Transport picks up from N. Africa 2 troopers & takes them to Egypt.
Battle 14 troopers & 4 guns, versus, GE. 2 troopers & 3 guns. Losses Allies 2 troopers & all Axis, Lorraine is freed!
BB & transport leave Brest, former takes out GE. sub. off Canada, &, latter goes to off Wales. Another transport leaves S. France & another leaves for Canada, meanwhile a BB(damaged by mine) & C enters Ottoman Home Waters(where they have 2 C). All the Cs are destroyed. The Ottoman Empire no longer controls its Home Waters off their capital(except for GE. Home Waters, Allies rule the seas).
Trooper in Morocco goes to Fr. W. Africa, while trooper from latter invades and frees British Gold Coast(defeats defending GE. trooper).
British Empire builds transport, sub., BB(all fleet off Wales), & fighter(latter for India). In British Home islands, land forces are reorganizes, to counter any potential sea landings. British East Africa a trooper heads for Egypt. Off Canada & Wales trooper & gun board Fr. transports.
Cruiser from Egypt joins Fr. BB in Ottoman Home waters, while C from India heads to British Home Islands.
Egyptian garrison enters Jordan(6 troopers & 2 guns), transport in Red Sea passes trooper from Sudan to Egypt, &, transport from India lands trooper & gun in Jordan, versus, defending Ottoman 2 troopers & gun. Losses Allies trooper, &, Axis all, Jordan falls!
Trooper from Rhodesia takes out defending GE. trooper from East Africa colony, &, trooper & gun from South Africa(for lost of a gun), takes out defending GE. trooper & gun in GE. S. Africa colony. Two GE. African colonies fall!
Ottoman Empire builds fighter & 3 troopers. Trooper sent to Mesopotamia as reinforcement, forces from Smyrna & Syria enter Jordan. Two troopers & gun stay in Mesopotamia & from capital trooper & gun goes to Smyrna(to protect the coastland). Forces that can be spared from other provinces begin to move southward to Jordan.
Battle 7 troopers & gun, versus, British 7 troopers & 3 guns. Losses 3 troopers both sides, Jordan is contested!
Round Two: GE. builds 2 transports, BB, C, &, fighter. Moves trooper from Nigeria to Togoland, more forces again into Lorraine. Battle 18 troopers & 6 guns, versus, Fr. 12 troopers & 4 guns. Losses 7 troopers Axis, &, 11 troopers Allies, Lorraine is contested.
Fighter duel over London, Allies lose aircraft. Fleet arrives off Scotland(Atlantic Ocean side) in Sea Zone #4. BB shells(takes out defending trooper), &, landed trooper & gun versus lone defending British trooper. Losses Axis gun & Allies trooper.
France builds 8 troopers. Gun moved back from Brest to Paris. BB & transport(with Brit. trooper & gun) from Canada to Jordan, while another transport goes from Wales to Picardy. Reinforcements from Picardy & Burgundy enter Lorraine, while a fighter flies in from the capital. Battle 7 troopers & 4 guns & fighter, versus, GE. 7 troopers & 6 guns. Losses each side losses 6 troopers(also the GE. lose 2 guns).
Trooper in Marseilles boards transport arriving from Egypt. Another trooper arrives in Gold Coast from Fr. W. Africa. Damaged BB leaves Turkish Home Waters for repairs off Marseilles.
British Empire builds fighter, BB, sub., &, 2 troopers in India. Fleet sent to GE. Home Waters(no mine lost). Battle 2 BBs & sub., versus, GE. BB, C, 2 transports, &, fighter(all are lost!). Meanwhile trooper & gun board Fr. transport off Wales(while trooper & gun debarks Fr. transport onto Picardy).
From Yorkshire 3 troopers enter Scotland, versus, defending GE. trooper(no losses, Scotland contested). Sudan trooper enter Fr. Eq. Africa on way to Kamerun, two more troopers from S. Africa & GE. E. Africa begin to head for Egypt.
BB & 2 transports head for India, picks up 2 troopers & gun & fighter(for return trip to Jordan), while Cruiser off Egypt heads for British Home Waters.
Ottoman Empire builds submarine & 3 troopers. Moves forces into Jordan as reinforcements from Smyrna & fighter from capital. Also 4 troopers from capital & gun from Ankara enter Smyrna.
Combat fighter, 11 troopers, &, 2 guns, versus, British 4 troopers, 3 guns, & Fr. 2 troopers. Losses Axis 4 troopers, &, Allies 5 troopers, Jordan still contested!
Round Three: GE. Empire builds 2 guns, trooper, fighter, &, BB. A fighter flies to Ruhr from capital, more reinforcements pour into Lorraine(sans the forces used in invading Scotland, &, guarding the coastline). Battle 2 troopers & 6 guns, versus, Fr. trooper, 4 guns, &, fighter. Losses Axis trooper & 2 guns, &, Allies a trooper. Also fleet returns to Home Waters.
France builds fighter & 5 troopers. Transport goes back to Jordan from S. France with trooper(while BB goes to join Brits. Home fleet). Another transport off Marseilles goes to Jordan with British trooper & gun.
Combat in Lorraine, 7 troopers , 4 guns, &, fighter, versus, GE. trooper & 4 guns. Losses Allies 2 troopers, &, all Axis, Lorraine is freed!
In Africa 2 troopers(from Gold Coast) versus GE. trooper in Togoland, losses each side a trooper, GE. colony falls to France! Africa is Axis free, units start towards Egypt.
British Empire: Builds 2 troopers, gun, sub., &, BB. Off London, trooper & gun board Fr. transport, &, another trooper & gun debark a Fr. transport into Jordan. Also 2 transports & BB leave India with 2 troopers, gun, & fighter, for Jordan.
From Picardy 3 troopers & gun join Fr. forces there, &, gun & trooper from Yorkshire joins British forces in Scotland(from capital trooper moves to Yorkshire). Battle 4 troopers & gun versus GE. trooper in Scotland(losses a trooper each side, Scotland is freed!).
Transport goes from Wales to London, picks up trooper & gun, &, debarks them into Picardy. Cruiser from India arrives off London, &, joined by fleet coming from Wales.
Ottoman Empire builds 5 troopers, moves to Syria a trooper. Two troopers sent to Smyrna from capital, &, more reinforcements into Jordan. Battle 11 troopers & 3 guns & fighter(lost in air duel), versus, Brits. fighter, 3 guns, & , 5 troopers, and, Fr. 3 troopers. Losses Axis 7 troopers, &, Allies 6 troopers, Jordan is contested.
Round Four: GE. builds fighter, tank, gun, trooper, &, BB. Fighter flies to Kiel from Berlin. More forces move into Lorraine 19 troopers & 7 guns & fighter(lost to duel), versus, Fr. fighter(lost in duel), 5 troopers, &, Brits. 3 troopers & gun. Losses Axis 4 troopers & Allies all! Lorraine the doorway into France has been kicked open!
Fleet(2 BBs, C, sub., &, 2 transports) goes to Sea Zone #7 & lands 2 troopers & 2 guns, in Scotland. BBs & defending gun score one hit each side, trooper & 2 guns, versus, Brits. 2 troopers & gun. Losses Axis only a gun, Scotland is contested.
France builds 8 troopers. Trooper from Togoland frees undefended Nigeria. Paris garrison moves to Burgundy, &, at Brest trooper moves to Paris.
Two BBs go to Sea Zone #7, versus, GE. 2 BBs, C, sub., &, 2 transports. Losses Allies all, &, Axis sub., &, both BBs are damaged.
Transport goes to Red Sea, while another arrives off Canada, and, another transport leaves Canada(with Brits. trooper & gun), that arrives off Picardy.
British Empire builds 3 troopers & gun for India, &, 3 troopers, fighter, &, submarine. Trooper boards Fr. transport from Sudan & debarks into Jordan.
Battle fighter, 4 troopers , &, 3 guns, versus, Ottoman 4 troopers & 3 guns. Losses Allies fighter, 3 troopers, &, 2 guns, &, Axis 3 troopers & 2 guns(Jordan still contested). Meanwhile in Scotland, 4 troopers & gun, versus, GE. trooper & gun. Losses Allies 2 troopers & Axis all, Scotland is freed!
BB & 2 transports go from Red Sea to India, picks up & lands 4 troopers into Mesopotamia. BB shelling takes out defending trooper & defending gun scores no hit. Three troopers versus Ottoman trooper & gun. Losses Allies trooper & Axis all, Mesopotamia falls!
Off Canada 2 troopers board a Fr. transport, while off Picardy 2 troopers & 2 guns debark a Brit. & Fr. transports. In Sea Zone #7 a fighter flies in, along with BB & 2 subs., versus, GE. 2 damaged BBs, &, Cruiser. Losses only damaged British BB left. Axis navy wiped out!
Ottoman Empire builds 5 troopers. Moves 2 troopers into Jordan from Smyrna, 3 troopers & gun, versus, Brit. trooper & gun. Losses Axis trooper & Allies gun.
Trooper from Syria & Ankara enter Mesopotamia, versus, 2 Brits. troopers. Losses all Axis forces. Also reinforcements from capital 3 troopers to Ankara & Smyrna.
Round Five: GE. builds BB, transport, fighter, &, 4 troopers. Fighter flies to Ruhr from capital, moves Lorraine garrison into Burgundy, ignoring the Brits. in Picardy. Last major reinforcements move into Lorraine from Aslace, they can press onwards for Paris, or, take out Brits. in Picardy(cannot do both).
Combat 15 troopers & 7 guns, versus, Fr. 13 troopers, gun, fighter. Losses Axis 7 troopers & Allies 9 troopers. Burgundy is contested.
France builds tank, gun, &, 5 troopers, transport heads for India. Arriving to Fr. Eq. Africa from Kamerun, trooper on way to Egypt. Also Paris garrison as reinforcement to Burgundy(no attack due to weak numbers of guns).
Transport from Canada arrives off Picardy with British gun & trooper on board.
British Empire builds in India, 3 troopers & gun. Also 3 troopers, 2 guns, &, submarine in London. Picardy 3 troopers & 3 guns go to Burgundy, to join the Fr. forces.
Trooper enter Sudan from Fr. Eq. Africa, another from British to German East Africa. BB & 2 transport from India, lands in Jordan 3 troopers & gun as reinforcements, versus, Ottoman 2 troopers & gun. Losses are Allies 2 troopers, &, Axis all, Jordan has fallen!
Fr. transport boarded by trooper in India, who debark into Mesopotamia, as reinforcement. Meanwhile a trooper in Mesopotamia enters & takes undefended Syria.
Damaged BB in GE. Home Waters joined by sub. & fighter, versus, GE. BB & transport. Losses only fighter left & lands in Picardy. Transport off London(goes to Picardy), &, two Fr. transports off Picardy debark 5 troopers & gun. In Ottoman Home Waters C leaves & heads for London.
Ottoman Empire has lost half of their provinces, GE. has got to take Burgundy next turn(threaten Paris), or, it is over for the Turkish forces. Builds gun & 3 troopers.
From Smyrna to Syria 3 troopers sent, versus, Brit. trooper. Losses only 1 trooper Axis. From Ankara 3 troopers sent to Mesopotamia versus Brits. 2 troopers. Losses 2 troopers each side, Mesopotamia recaptured! Capital sends 3 troopers to Ankara & Smyrna as reinforcements.
Round Six: GE. builds sub., transport, gun, 2 troopers, fighter, &, tank. Fighter flies from Berlin to Kiel, &, also from Ruhr to Lorraine. Moves Lorraine garrison to Burgundy, leaves trooper & gun to hold onto Lorraine(coastline provinces have at least a trooper & gun in case of any sea landings).
Battle 16 troopers, &, 11 guns, versus, British 3 troopers & 3 guns, and, Fr. 13 troopers, gun, &, fighter. Losses Axis 12 troopers & Allies 13 troopers, Burgundy is still contested.
France builds gun & 6 troopers. Trooper enters Sudan from Fr. Eq. Africa, moves Paris garrison into Burgundy. Battle 8 troopers, tank, 2 guns, &, fighter, versus, GE. 8 troopers & 11 guns. Losses Allies with tank absorbing a hit, 6 troopers, &, Axis 7 troopers.
British Empire builds for India & U.K. 3 troopers & 3 guns(one less for India). Move 2 trooper from London to Yorkshire, to protect coastline from any sea landings. Moves forces in Picardy as reinforcements for forces in Burgundy, battle 5 troopers, 4 guns, &, fighter, versus, GE. 1 trooper & 11 guns. Losses Allies 4 troopers & 2 guns, &, Axis 7 guns.
Cruiser arrives off London, while transport boards & debarks trooper & gun, into Picardy. Meanwhile 3 troopers & gun do the same using 2 Fr. transports(one off Wales & another off London).
Sub. off London, enters GE. Home Waters(no mine damage), versus GE. sub. & transport, losses all.
Red Sea transport boards trooper, who debarks into Jordan. Also Red Sea BB & 2 transports go back to India, where 3 troopers & gun board & debark into Mesopotamia. Along with another trooper who went via a Fr. transport, BB shells & takes out defending Ottoman trooper, Mesopotamia is retaken!
Ottoman Empire builds gun & 3 troopers. Moves 3 troopers to Jordan from Smyrna, versus, Brits. 2 troopers & gun(each side losses a trooper). Jordan is contested! Three troopers from Ankara enter Mesopotamia, versus, Brits. 3 troopers & gun. Losses all Axis & trooper for Allies. In contested Syria 2 trooper versus Brit. trooper, losses a trooper each side, Syria retaken!
Trooper & gun sent to Smyrna, &, 2 troopers & gun sent to Ankara, from capital. The newly built gun & 3 troopers can not cover the land units lost this turn. Another round will bring what the Ottoman fear the most, more sea landings.
Axis calls it quits. Major political lost, Germany’s 4 guns & a trooper are not going to take Paris, a trooper and gun with fighter is in Lorraine, while spread out in all of Germany are 5 guns, 2 tanks & 2 planes, &, 10 troopers(for use as reinforcements, considering that 4 guns & 5 troopers are already protecting the coastline).
The Allies combine will begin to field more than the Germans can build on land, if it goes another round(Also the Axis have no navy, the Allies have left a BB & C & 6 transports, three are Fr.).
In Fr. the Allies alone have 13 troopers, 7 guns, 2 fighters and a tank(plus 5 troopers & 3 guns in UK. that can transported to Fr.) . The Germans pull out of France, while British Empire pulls out of the Ottoman Empire, Germany losses all its colonies(Ottoman comp. Germany by letting them develop the oil fields in Mesopotamia).
IPCs losses Axis troopers 92 & Allies troopers 96, guns 22 & 6, fighter 3 & 4, transports 6 & 2, subs. 5 & 6, C 6 & 5, &, BB 6 & 5.