Other players have contacted me and I am finishing up 1 forum game and starting 2 new forum games of Europe 1940. The turns are going fast so it’s time consuming. I haven’t even had time to play Panzer Corps lately, which is my other favorite game. So I will decline to play against you in play by email. Sorry, hope that you find someone else to play against.
How do I start playing on line?
I’ve been playing on and off for years, however being stationed in Puerto Rico, there’s no interest. I have the computer CD, but beating up the computer is no fun. How do I get started on-line and who wants to play? I’ll play anyone. I like to play 2 player world domination, but I’m up for anything. Feel free to e-mail my ancient computer at greg65@coqui.net. :roll:
download this and then drop us a line!!
http://www.the-underdogs.org/game.php?gameid=3842 -
i have to remember to log in :roll: ↑