Good stuff FM - I’ll reply point by point:
1. This is a good move, and pretty important to make the UK bleed to take out the Battleship etc. Try bringing two German aircraft - that way when you scramble three� total aircraft, Italy will be left with at least one fighter. Otherwise, the Italian airforce is just about wiped out.
2. The UK player can hit SZ96 with Cruiser/Fighter and SZ97 with everything from SZ98, Fighter from Malta, Fighter and Bomber from UK. Even with a scramble from S Italy, UK should win with a decent amount of air power remaining - which can land on Malta. Italy is left with only the fleet in SZ95 to start.
3. With UK taking out most of the Med fleet, it takes several turns for Italy to recover, claim NOs, and take N Afican territiories. If lucky enough to see the UK back out of the Med and not attack on UK1, Italy will have some fun adventuring.
4. As UK I tend to take out Ethiopia on UK1 (combined with assault on Italy’s navies as detailed above) with Cruiser from SZ39 and all available land units that can reach - that limits Italy on their first turn. It makes taking Egypt a little harder.
5. Yes! Agreed on all counts.
6. Yes! Very helpful for Italy.
I would add that I also typically purchase a Transport/Inf/Art on UK2 in S Africa, and that can make it to Egypt before Italy goes on turn 3. Thise two units can mean the difference between Egypt living or dying.
In reference to the red text… I have a UK strategy that actually gives Italy the Med and turtles on Egypt. In the end, the UK / US end up with the following in SZ91 at the end of UK4:
1 CV w Ftr/Tac, 1 BB, 5 CR, 3 DD, 7 TT (with units to fill them). I can grow the TT and ground units for the UK, but a lot of that depends on how obvious Germany is on its feign of Sea Lion and I may end up short a CR and DD to run blocker in SZ110 to lighten the Sea Lion attack if it is, indeed, coming.
It generally includes a UK2 purchase of 1 TT with 1 Art/Inf in each S.African and Canadian Minor IC’s (28 IPC total, 3 IPC on an Inf in London if not SBR’d) and a UK3 purchase of a Ftr/CV in Canada on UK3 (to arrive in SZ91 on UK4).
Makes the fleet a bit bigger with 2 CV w 1 Ftr/Tac on one, 1 Ftr on the other (Gib’s fighter can land on it on UK4), 1 BB, 5 CR, 3 DD, 9 TT with units to fill them at the end of UK4. If Egypt has not fallen, its possible to make some huge dents in Italy very soon, much earlier than the Axis will get in striking distance of Moscow.
I haven’t employed it yet but here are the intangibles:
Sea Lion actually happening can create some issues, less TT, and more units on London
Can lose the DD/TT in SZ106 limiting the UK to a single TT from SZ109 and how soon you can open up Brazil’s Infantry to load onto TT.
G1 attacks on SZ110/SZ111 and how they occur. I haven’t decided on the best move for fleets surviving either G1 attack - nor how many Ftr to scramble depending on the attacks they face. I’d prefer to not toss aircraft out the window for the UK, but not scrambling at all and giving up your fleets opens up Sea Lion more than you think (Sets you back to Alpha 3.5 scenarios).
In particular, I want the UK aircraft available to reinforce any US landing on US5 - the more that are alive, the harder it is for the Axis to retake S.France, N.Italy, Rome, Normandy, Holland, Denmark, Norway or even W.Germany if left lightly defended (Dropping that Major German IC to a Minor is a BIG DEAL, regardless of the losses you get for taking/losing it).
I haven’t determined what to do it Italy decides to go for Gibraltar instead of Egypt early based on the UK fleet withdrawing and turtling on Egypt.
I’m not sure how bad the consequences are of sending the UK BB and 1 Ftr/Tac from Calcutta in regards to Japanese moves. From what I understand, Japan can J3 Calcutta if it is determined to regardless of what Calcutta does. As such, I’d rather have the UK ship and Aircraft crushing the Axis hopes in the Atlantic/Med than shot down/sunk in the south pacific.