I read through some of your posts. You seem to have a lot of questions. We’re happy to help, but I have to ask what materials you have for AAG40?
Do you have the actual game to reference or are you part of a group and there’s only one copy you guys are sharing?
One answer that might help is that the second edition of Axis&Allies Global 1940 has the most up to date official rules set. The alphas were for the first editions.
If you have the manual you will want to read the rules very carefully and thoroughly. Its easy to miss things in this edition.
As for a picture I don’t know of one available that will suit your needs. Even if there was one, because the game is so large your avaerage sheet of paper is too small to see enough detail to use as a handout most likely. CWOMarc’s suggestion of taking a picture would be your best bet.
I hope this helps.