• I was bored yesterday so I created this setup. I was wondering if anyone could take a look at it and give feedback. I tried to create lots of choices for each power in the opening rounds, but with that comes a lot of complication in terms of balance. This is totally off the top of my head so… here goes…

    1941 Alternate Setup (Anniversary Edition)
    The following scenario was designed by McMan, based off of Larry’s official scenario. It was designed to have many options available to each power, particularly the Axis powers, on their opening turn. It is totally untested.

    US – 40 IPC’s
    Eastern US – 2 inf, 1 art, 1 tank, 1 ftr, IC, AA
    SZ 10 – 1 transport
    Central US – 1 inf
    Western US – 2 inf, 1 ftr, IC, AA
    SZ 56 – 1 destroyer, 1 cruiser, 1 transport
    Alaska – 1 inf
    Hawaiian Islands – 1 inf, 1 ftr
    SZ 53 – 1 battleship
    Wake Island – 1 inf
    Midway – 1 inf
    Philippines – 2 inf, 1 ftr
    SZ 50 – 1 destroyer, 1 sub, 1 transport
    SZ 44 1 carrier, 1 ftr

    Fukien – 1 inf
    Suiyuan – 2 inf
    Hupeh – 1 inf
    Yunnan – 2 inf, 1 ftr

    Soviet Union – 30 IPC’s
    Karelia – 5 inf, 1 art, 1 tank, IC, AA
    SZ 4 – 1 sub, 1 destroyer
    Archangel – 2 inf
    Baltic States – 2 inf, 1 art, 1 tank
    Poland – 2 inf, 1 art, 1 tank
    Ukraine – 2 inf
    Eastern Ukraine – 2 inf
    Belorussia – 2 inf
    Russia – 3 inf, 1 art, 1 tank, 1 ftr, IC, AA
    Caucasus – 4 inf, IC, AA
    SZ 16 – 1 sub, 1 destroyer
    Kazakh – 2 inf
    Novosibirsk – 2 inf
    Evenki – 1 inf
    Yukut – 2 inf, 1 art, 1 tank
    Stanovoj – 1 inf
    Soviet Far East – 1 inf
    Buryatia – 3 inf
    SZ 63 – 1 destroyer

    United Kingdom – 43 IPC’s
    United Kingdom – 2 inf, 1 art, 1 tank, 2 ftr, 1 bmr, IC, AA
    SZ 6 – 1 battleship, 1 transport
    SZ 2 – 1 battleship, 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer
    Eastern Canada – 1 inf, 1 tank
    SZ 1 – 1 transport
    SZ 9 – 1 destroyer, 1 transport
    Gibraltar – 1 inf
    SZ 12 – 1 cruiser
    SZ 13 – 1 destroyer
    Egypt – 2 inf, 1 tank, 1 ftr
    SZ 15 – 1 cruiser
    Anglo-Egypt Sudan – 1 inf, 1 art
    French West Africa – 1 inf
    Union of South Africa – 2 inf
    Trans-Jordan – 1 inf
    India – 2 inf, IC, AA
    SZ 35 – 1 cruiser, 1 transport
    Burma – 1 inf
    Kwangtung – 1 inf
    Australia – 2 inf, 1 art, IC, AA
    SZ 41 – 1 cruiser
    New Zealand – 1 inf
    Western Canada – 1 inf

    Germany – 30 IPC’s
    Germany – 3 inf, 1 art, 1 ftr, 1 bmr, IC, AA
    SZ 5 – 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer, 1 sub, 1 transport
    Northwest Europe – 2 inf, 2 tank
    France – 3 inf, 1 tank, 2 ftr, IC, AA
    SZ 7 – 1 sub
    SZ 8 – 2 sub
    Poland – 4 inf, 4 art, 1 tank
    Czechoslovakia/Hungary – 2 inf, 2 tank, 1 ftr
    Bulgaria/Romania – 3 inf, 3 art, 1 tank
    Morocco Algeria – 1 inf, 1 art, 1 tank
    SZ 14 – 1 destroyer
    Norway – 3 inf, 1 art, 1 ftr
    Finland – 1 inf, 1 art

    Italy – 10 IPC’s
    Italy – 2 inf, 1 tank, 1 ftr, IC, AA
    SZ 14 – 1 battleship, 1 destroyer, 1 transport
    Balkans – 2 inf, 1 tank, 1 ftr
    Bulgaria/Romania – 1 inf, 1 art
    Libya – 2 inf, 1 art

    Japan – 17 IPC’s
    Japan – 5 inf, 1 art, 1 tank, 1 ftr, 1 bmr, IC, AA
    SZ 62 – 1 transport
    Manchuria – 3 inf, 1 art, 1 ftr
    SZ 61 – 1 battleship, 1 cruiser, 1 carrier, 2 ftr, 1 transport, 1 inf, 1 art
    Kiangsu – 3 inf, 1 art
    Formosa, 1 ftr
    French Indo-China/Thailand – 4 inf, 1 art
    Iwo Jima – 1 inf
    Okinawa – 1 inf
    Caroline Islands – 3 inf, 1 art
    SZ 51 – 1 destroyer, 2 transport
    SZ 57 – 2 carrier, 4 ftr, 1 sub


    US – 20 IPC’s available
    Control Western US, Central US, Eastern US, Alaska and Hawaiian Island (+5)
    Control Philippines (+5)
    Allies control Morocco Algeria, Libya, and Egypt (+5)
    Allies control France and/or Northwest Europe (+5)

    UK – 11 IPC’s available
    Control Eastern Canada, Western Canada, Gibraltar, Egypt, Union of South Africa, India, and Australia (+5)
    No German subs in SZ’s adjacent to United Kingdom, Eastern Canada, and Eastern US (+3)
    Control Solomon Islands with no Axis units in SZ 46, SZ 47, SZ 53, SZ 56 (+3)

    USSR – 14 IPC’s available
    Control Buryatia with no Axis units in SZ 63, Allies control Persia with no Axis units in SZ 34, control Archangel with no Axis units in SZ 3 and SZ 4 (+2 each)
    USSR controls Poland, Bulgaria/Romania, Czechoslovakia/Hungary, Finland (+2 each)

    Germany – 30 IPC’s available
    Control France, Northwest Europe, Norway (+5)
    Axis control United Kingdom, Karelia, Caucasus, Russia (+5 each)
    Axis control Ukraine and Eastern Ukraine (+ 5)

    Italy – 15 IPC’s available
    Axis control Egypt and Trans-Jordan (+5)
    Axis control Gibraltar (+5)
    No Allied units in SZ 13, SZ 14, and SZ 15 (+3)
    At least 1 German unit in SZ 13, SZ 14, or SZ 15 with at least 1 German unit in Morocco Algeria, Libya, or Egypt (+2)

    Japan – 20 IPC’s available
    Axis control Hawaiian Islands, India, Australia (+5 each)
    Axis control Fukien, Kwangtung, Manchuria, and Kiangsu (+5)
    Axis control 2 of 3: Solomon Islands, Midway, and Wake Island (+5)
    Axis control Philippines, Borneo, East Indies, and New Guinea (+5)

    Turn Order

    1. Germany
    2. Italy
    3. Soviet Union
    4. Japan
    5. UK
    6. US


    1. Balance (obviously)
    2. Use 1940 IC rules, major IC’s in all capitals, minors in all other territories (very likely inclusion)
    3. Move 1 German sub from SZ 8 to SZ 12 (more options)
    4. Add 1 Chinese inf in Chinghai
    5. Remove India IC, add Chinese inf to add pressure on Japan, give UK time to invest in India IC if it wants
    6. Add Russian inf/remove 1-3 German art from Poland and/or Bulgaria/Romania
    7. Boost German Baltic fleet to survive attack from UK air/SZ 12 cruiser
    8. Add IC in Eastern Canada (allow UK to consolidate ships away from German air and subs)

  • Anyone? … Bueller? …

  • Sponsor

    That’s a lot to comprehend.

  • Indeed. It would be helpful if you or others could take a couple minutes to set it up and just give me impressions.

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