@captainwalker 1b867425-80c3-4786-873b-e1d73d3038d4-triplea_41695_5thai.tsvg
Nothing to see here (Axis) vs. James Aleman (Allies) g40 alpha3
Forgot to Adjust income.
New map -
I’m going to wait for the USSR result before I do USA…No interceptors…come on AAguns! ;) I’d say I’m due.
seems like you were due.
MIC takes 6damageBomber lands in Kan
Factory in India becomes a minor factory with 6 damage.
That bomber hit was vital….
**USA turn 11:
Production: 85**
3 Destroyers=24
8 subs=48
1 fighter=10
1 infantry=3Combat Moves:
To Irq: inf-Cpr uncontested
To Npr: inf-Cpr uncontested
To z110: 7trn-z112 loaded with 6inf,6art-Nor
To Wfr: 6inf,6art-z110; 3ftr-z112 vs inf
Rolls: 12@2 3@3; Total Hits: 612@2: (4, 2, 5, 4, 4, 5, 1, 1, 5, 2, 4, 4)3@3: (6, 1, 3)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)
To z49: bmbr-Wus vs transport autokill
To z42: cv,dd-z33 vs transport autokill
To z96: bmbr-Cpr vs transport autokill
To Ind: 3bmbr,tac,3ftr-Cpr; ftr-z80 vs aagun, 2 art (each aagun hit will remove 1 ftr roll from the right)
Rolls: 3@1; Total Hits: 13@1: (4, 1, 2)
Rolls: 4@3 4@4; Total Hits: 44@3: (5, 1, 6, 2)4@4: (6, 3, 6, 3)
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (6, 5)
combat map, oops
Wfr: Germany lost inf; USA no loss
Ind: Japan lost aagun,2 art; USA lost ftr
z96: Italy lost trn; USA no loss
z42: Japan lost trn; USA no loss
z49: Japan lost trn; USA no loss
Npr: Italy lost NO
Irq: Italy lost NONoncombat Moves:
To z42: 3trn-z33 loaded with 5inf,mech-Car
To Haw: ftr-z33 (will scramble); 2inf,2art-z26
To z26: bb,6ftr,3ca,3cv,8dd-z33; sub-z25; dd,3sub,2trn-z10 loaded with 2inf,2art-Wus
To z9: trn-z3
To Wus: inf-Cus
To Cus: 2 inf-Aba
To Que: bmbr-z49
To z39: cv-z80 loaded with 2 anzac ftr
To Cey: 3ftr,tac,3bmb-Ind
To Gib: bmbr-z96, 3ftr-Wfr
To Col: mech-Bol
To z110: 4dd,2cv-z112 loaded with french ftrPlacement:
z80: sub (hoping to convoy Italy and Germany)
Cpr: ftr,inf
z10: 3dd,7subsCollection: 83 (no convoys, you are merciful)
**UK turn 11:
Production: 29**
Repair 3 damage airbase
1 tactical bomber=11
5 infantry=15
3+11=14+15=29Combat Moves:
To Spa: inf-Gib uncontested
To Con: inf-Ang uncontested
To Tang: inf-Rho uncontested
To Fin: inf-Nor uncontested
To z110: bb,ca,2 trn loaded with 3inf-Nor, fre-inf-z112
To Hol: bb,ca-z110; 3inf-z112; 4ftr-Nor; 2ftr-Gib vs 2inf
Rolls: 3@1 7@3 1@4; Total Hits: 63@1: (3, 3, 5)7@3: (4, 2, 1, 3, 4, 1, 1)1@4: (4)
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (3, 5)
To Ind: art,4inf-Wind uncontested
To Trj: mech-Cpr uncontested -
Hol: Germany lost 2inf; UK no loss
Ind: Japan lost NO
Trj: Axis lost control of Suez canalNoncombat Moves:
To Fwa: inf-Gol
To Rho: 3inf-Saf
To z39: bb,ca,cv,dd,4trn loaded with 3art,5inf-Cpr
To Ind: aagun-Wind; 3art,5inf-z39
To z42: ftr-z80 (To protect fleet from Italy bmbr before Anzac goes)
To Wind: 2mech-Cpr
To Rus: 3ftr-Cpr (To intercept Bombers)
To z110: 3 ftr-Hol; 3cv,3sub,dd,4trn-z112 loaded with 2inf,4art-Nor; 2inf-UK
To Wfr: 4art,4inf-z110; 2ftr-Hol
To UK: ftr-Hol (1 of the Gib ftr)
To z105: sub-z112
UK: 5inf,tacCollection: 36 (minus convoy)
Naturally, your subs are incapable of not rolling 3 :| Did I mention I dislike the SBR and Convoy changes :)
Collection: 33
I have to wait for Italy before I can do Anzac and France :(
Thank you, I will not be posting tonight, I got some bad news, a close friend has cancer. I’ll probably be available to post Monday
Standing by for Italy
Italy 11:
Buy (47):
7 Inf (21)
2 Mec (8)
2 Art (8)
1 Fgt (10)21+8=29+8=37+10=47
Combat Movement:
To Trj: 2Inf, 1Art Egy, 1Fgt, 1Bmb Turk vs. 1Mec
To Irq: 1Inf, 2Mec, 5Arm Turk vs. 1Inf
To Npr: 7Inf, 8Art Turkvs. 1InfCombat:
Trj: 2Inf, 1Art, 1Fgt, 1Bmb vs. 1Mec
Rolls: 1@1 2@2 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 21@1: (3)2@2: (1, 3)1@3: (5)1@4: (2)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)
Irq: 1Inf, 1Art, 2Mec, 5Arm vs. 1Inf
Rolls: 4@1 5@3; Total Hits: 34@1: (6, 6, 4, 3)5@3: (4, 1, 5, 2, 3)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)
Npr: 7Inf, 8Art vs. 1Inf
Rolls: 15@2; Total Hits: 615@2: (2, 2, 5, 5, 6, 6, 2, 3, 1, 2, 6, 6, 6, 1, 3)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)
Trj twlo 1Inf
Irq twol
Npr twlo 1InfNoncombat Movement:
To Sfr: 1Mec NIta
To WGer: 5Inf, 1AAGun Den
To NIta: 3Mec, 2Arm Den
To SIta: 1Bmb Trj, 1Fgt, 1Tac Z100
To Gre: 1Art, 1AAGun Yugo,1Inf Mal, 2Mec, 1Arm NIta via Trp Z99, Z100
To Turk: 1Fgt Trj
To Irq: 1Mec, 2Arm Egy
To Sud: 3Inf, 1Art,1Mec Egy
To Fea: 1Art Fca, 1Mec Egy
To Z97: 3 DD, 1Car, 2Cru, 1BB Z100Placement:
To NIta: 4Inf, 2Art
To SIta: 1Fgt
To Turk: 3Inf
To Egy: 2MecConvoy raiding:
max Damage which is 2
26(TT)+ 19(NO)-2(Convoy)=43ICP -
**Anzac and France turn 11:
Production: 17**
1 Transport=7
2 infantry=6
1 artillery=4
Combat Moves:
To z42: trn-z63 loaded with inf,art-Nze; ca,2trn-z33 loaded with 2inf,2art-Car
To Jav: 3inf,3art,ca-z42; tac-Que vs 2inf
Rolls: 6@2 2@3; Total Hits: 36@2: (4, 4, 5, 6, 2, 1)2@3: (6, 1)
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (1, 3)