You want to know exactly what’s wrong with prostitution? Okay, here goes. :(
Prostitution is one of the worst things we can do for women in this society. There are so many reasons why prostitution should not (and probably won’t be) legalized, but since I don’t have time to list a ton, I’ll start with a few:
1.) Abuse. This is up at the stop of list of reasons not to legalize prostitution. The behind-the-doors abuse that prostitution involves is too horrible to think about. The day to day doings of a pimp (90% of prostitutes have pimps - WHISPER Oral History Project) saying “gimme my damn money hoe – SLAP” is not something we would want any woman to have to endure. In case the simple fact of a woman getting beat up doesn’t scare you into despising prostitution, then here’s some more facts:
Along the lines of abuse comes the sex trade, and other countries selling underage girls for next. If we thought it was hard to catch all prostitutes coming into this country now, imagine the impossible task of having to screen for a certain group of people.
2.) Victimization. The dehumanizing factors of prostitution are precisely the sort of thing we are trying to eliminate from society. For centuries women have played the traditional role of being a commodity at the hands of a man, and prostitution does nothing more than perpetuate this negative stereotype.
There are two main types of people that turn to a life of prostitution, children and abused housewives (National Coalition against Domestic Violence, 1990). The average age of entry into prostitution is 13 years old! Now, by legalizing the sale of these children (and the abused houswives) you’re simply compounding a problem instead of working to help solve it. The argument that “it’s their choice to sell sex” seems inconsiquential next to the realization that it’s our children that will be walking the streets.
3.) Prostitution hurts all women involved.
In the end, I think it all boils down to whether we see prostitution as violence against women. If so, there’s no way we would ever want to legalize such a practice that we find so abhorrent. The problem is, all the above mentioned things would not be suddenly “fixed” by the government regulation if prostitution were legal, rather they would be normalized. Taken apart, prostitution has all the markings of things we find so objectionable in society including: sexual harassment, gender discrimination, verbal abuse, physical assault.