This has probably been subject of discussion before, but I want to give it another go; Who’s your power of choice? Not the most fun or exciting or challenging power to be, but the most succesful or “safe”? If you had to play for money, would you prefer to be axis or allies? If it was a matter of fun or excitement, (and luckily it usually is) I’d play axis anytime. But it seems allies have a lot better chance of winning usually? I’d say it’s about 70/30 allied favour? … What do you think? Maybe Hobbes and Bunnies will reply also - they seem to have played a few games, maybe they have some statistics they’d like to share?
Thanks in advance…
There is no most successful or safe single power.
The game’s pretty much about using the powers in combination effectively using calculated risks. If you don’t work well with your allies or your allies don’t work well with you, you will probably fail. If you don’t take calculated risks, emphasis on risks, you will fail, because only by taking risks can you maintain a forward position and therefore enough income to remain competitive. You cannot “play it safe” and win unless your opponent is also “playing it safe”.
Luck and skill are far more important than which side you play in Spring 1942. (Which is NOT the case for Revised. There, I think the Allies have a REAL advantage, which can be offset by giving the Axis a bid.)
If pressed to commit to an answer, I would say I think the Allies have the advantage.
I personally find the Allies more interesting and challenging to play, because I pretty much know what I want to do with the Axis at any given time (I might stare at the board for quite a while, but I usually end up with a very concrete idea of what I want to do.) On the other hand, I feel my Allies game is a lot looser and has room for a good bit of improvement.
That’s why I feel Allies have the edge. I think I know what the Axis can do, and I think I don’t know all the things the Allies can do, and I fear the unknown. It’s scary, sort of like when you open up the refrigerator and discover you’re out of carrots, then you wonder if there’s any carrots left at the grocery store.