So your life depends on winning a game of G40 ALPHA +2 …

  • Flip board over and walk away  :-D

  • Pray that the emperor hears you blessing. And go all out on russia! Lol I dunno.

  • Haha good one. UK first build. 10 infantry in London!

  • '10

    I would like to give you an answer, but i cannot… J1 buy just depends too much of what happened G1 (and of what strategy germany wants to aply G2), and it also depends of where is the 18 russian infantry stack.

  • Are the Germans attempting Sealion?  Or do you want the Allies to THINK they are going to try a Sealion?  Buy 1 CV, 1 TRN, 1 INF.  Stack up most of your fleet in the Carolines while leaving some token force to go after the DEI once you war dec.  For Sealion to work, you MUST put pressure on the US in the Pacific, either the turn right before the Germans’ main attack or the same turn.  With the new rule of Russia and US war dec after London falling there’s no WAY Germany can hold both the remaining Allied powers off.  This starter buy can also keep the US’s builds closer to Hawaii and the West coast, due to the implied threat, if you and Germany are faking Sealion.

    If you’re having a more leisurely game, 3 TRN and a J2/3 war dec is the way to go.  Earlier is usually better, especially if you can grab the entire DEI before the UK/ANZAC gets to use any of it (especially if you can keep your transports alive for India later).  Focus your army in China onto ONE target, be it eliminating the Chinese, killing the Russians, or sending them into Burma; spreading them out is how the opponents win.  60-70 IPC Japan lasts a hell of a lot longer than it would otherwise, and if you are careful to keep your starting air force and transports alive you get even more gas out of your buys.

  • Hello Axisplaya.

    After you send me a PM I leave you a couple of message but you didn’t answer!!!

    A reply will be fine.  (check your message)


  • Customizer


    … state your J1 buy.

    Me: 3 trans., save 5 (26 IPCs)


  • @SgtBlitz:

    With the new rule of Russia and US war dec after London falling there’s no WAY Germany can hold both the remaining Allied powers off.

    Is the new fall of UK rule your talking about newer than this one dated Jan 13/11?
    9. The United States may declare war on any or all Axis powers at the beginning of the Combat Move phase of its next turn if London and/or any territory in North America is captured by an Axis power.

  • @Idi:


    With the new rule of Russia and US war dec after London falling there’s no WAY Germany can hold both the remaining Allied powers off.

    Is the new fall of UK rule your talking about newer than this one dated Jan 13/11?
    9. The United States may declare war on any or all Axis powers at the beginning of the Combat Move phase of its next turn if London and/or any territory in North America is captured by an Axis power.

    Yes, that’s the one.  Germany ain’t going to hold well if both Russia and the US can get some licks in on Round 3.  Well, excepting that the US and Russia players aren’t complete oblivious fools.  I would hope a 10 transport buy on G2 would provoke SOME Allied response.  Though with Germany starting the game with 2 major ICs in Alpha +2 the Axis can turtle a lot more effectively than they could in OOB/Alpha +1.  I have yet to try Sealion myself with the new Alpha +.2 as it seems the UK is pumped up WAY too much to make Sealion plausible.

    I DID win an E40 game quite awhile ago where I pulled off Sealion on G3 and gradually pushed the US and Russia back to win the game around G6-7.  But that was with a US economy in the 60s and Russia in the 20s-30s.  Add 30 IPCs total to those two Allies with Global and Germany needing even MORE fodder to take the 7 plane defended UK, and you have a losing proposition here.  But if you help out the other two Axis powers enough, Sealion may still be worth it.

    I think if Italy helps out just right and buys the Germans enough time to hold off the initial attacks while building up a combined fleet through Gibraltar, its possible you could pull Sealion off, and still keep most of the Kreigsmarine and the Regia Marina alive.  The Japs should have a field day with the US panic buying in the Atlantic, and the Italians should face little opposition in Africa once they get through Egypt.  Only hard part I see is getting diced for London, the entire game can falter by Round 3 if the Germans get a little bit less than even odds.

  • @Idi:


    With the new rule of Russia and US war dec after London falling there’s no WAY Germany can hold both the remaining Allied powers off.

    Is the new fall of UK rule your talking about newer than this one dated Jan 13/11?
    9. The United States may declare war on any or all Axis powers at the beginning of the Combat Move phase of its next turn if London and/or any territory in North America is captured by an Axis power.

    The rule only mentions the USA not the USSR

  • Ah, yeah, you’re right.  Hmm.  Germany has TWO major ICs now too.  Yeah, that’s probably enough production to hold the Bear off for awhile, especially with UK’s IPCs for the G4 production phase.  Plus Russia’s not doing anything till R4 anyway.

    Damn, couple a Sealion attack with a J2/3 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and you could have a game changer here.  The trick must be to build enough navy to hold off the US in the Atlantic, enough troops to hold off the Reds, and have the Japs go crazy in the Pacific.  Win in the Pacific theater on J5 or J6.

  • Never assume an effective Sealion operation. People just don’t seem interested in having a British fleet. It boggles my mind.

    The way I’m looking at this, I can see up to 3 fully loaded carriers with 3 scrambled fighters, a battleship, 2 cruisers and 2 destroyers defending SZ110 against a G3 Sealion. Unless the Germans purchase their transports on G1, there’s no way they’re going to be pulling off a Sealion against me.

  • How are you holding SZ 110 from counterattacks on G2?  Ze Germans potentially have 10 aircraft they can throw at anything you build in SZ 110, and if you save your money on UK1 the 3 TRN the Germans have at the start of G2 can take London!

  • I’m going 2 transport, 2 sub. A versatile build that gives me plenty of reach.

    And then I serve my opponents tea laced with fugu toxin!  :evil:


  • @cts17:

    Never assume an effective Sealion operation. People just don’t seem interested in having a British fleet. It boggles my mind.

    The way I’m looking at this, I can see up to 3 fully loaded carriers with 3 scrambled fighters, a battleship, 2 cruisers and 2 destroyers defending SZ110 against a G3 Sealion. Unless the Germans purchase their transports on G1, there’s no way they’re going to be pulling off a Sealion against me.

    What if they bypass your Armada by sailing North around Scotland and hit London from from Sz 109. What do you have in London at this point…. 2 Brits and a Frenchman.

  • That is simply negated by a single DD. In addition, to prevent a G2 sealion, you obviously would have the Canadian forces shipped over in addition to 2 infantry/1 fighter purchase B1. This gives you at least 3 planes and 6 infantry and an armour for defense. SZ111/SZ119 is out of reach of an Italian can-opener as well.

  • @cts17:

    That is simply negated by a single DD. In addition, to prevent a G2 sealion, you obviously would have the Canadian forces shipped over in addition to 2 infantry/1 fighter purchase B1. This gives you at least 3 planes and 6 infantry and an armour for defense. SZ111/SZ119 is out of reach of an Italian can-opener as well.

    Wow your putting a lot of faith in your ships surviving G1

  • What if they bypass your Armada by sailing North around Scotland and hit London from from Sz 109. What do you have in London at this point…. 2 Brits and a Frenchman.

    So essentially, just two combat units  :wink:  Haha, sorry, but I just couldn’t resist taking advantage of such an obvious opportunity to take a stab at the French  :-D

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