@shade840 said in pro neutral territories:
Example: allies attack Iraq, a pro axis neutral would that set off the true neutrals? appreciate ur help
No, an Allies attack on pro-axis Iraq affects the status of Iraq only.
Example French west Africa after their capital falls, or does an axis power have to capture it first?
Yes, UK can collect the income if it occupies that territory. Once France’s capital is liberated that income will go back to France. If the axis take French West Africa, the income goes to the axis. If the allies take it back again, it will go to the allied army to liberate it from axis control (assuming France is still axis-controlled).
Yes, UK can collect the income if it occupies that territory. Once France’s capital is liberated that income will go back to France. If the axis take French West Africa, the income goes to the axis. If the allies take it back again, it will go to the allied army to liberate it from axis control (assuming France is still axis-controlled).
really? is this a new rule for AA40? in all previouse A&A versions allies could only liberate other allies territories but didn’t collect income from them (even if their capital had fallen). Am I right? can you please pointing where in the (new) rulles says that (say) UK can collect income from French territories?
A power may temporarily take control of a territory originally belonging to one of its allies (gaining its income and the use of any ICs and/or AA guns there) only when recapturing that territory from an enemy power while the original owner’s capital is held by the enemy. See page 20 of the Europe Rulebook. This has been true since Classic.
There is no exception made for French territories.
Thanks :-)
A power may temporarily take control of a territory originally belonging to one of its allies (gaining its income and the use of any ICs and/or AA guns there) only when recapturing that territory from an enemy power while the original owner’s capital is held by the enemy. See page 20 of the Europe Rulebook. This has been true since Classic.
There is no exception made for French territories.
The “only” is not on page 20 of the rulebook. In fact, this situation isn’t addressed at all in the rulebook, and that is probably why we have a thread about it. To me, it seems more intuitive for the income to go to the UK.
The “only” is implicitly on page 20 of the Rulebook, as that is the only place in the Rulebook that taking control of an allied power’s territory is mentioned. In the absence of any other rules regarding taking such control, one may assume that it’s the only way it can be done, since no other provision is made for doing so.