@coachdcj Player 2 is correct. From the Official Rules Clarifications document (page 4):
You can never give an ally anything: units, territories or I.P.C.'s.
Back during first edition there was a rule that allowed for multi-national forces. I was wondering if that survived to second edition or not?
The rule was that you could for example “fly a fighter from India to Karelia on Britian’s first turn. Declare it a multi-national force to Russia. On Russia’s next turn the fighter was unusable for attacking, on Russia’s third turn they could fly the fighter as if it were it’s own.” If you could let me know I would appreciate it.
“Multi-National Force” & “Commander-in-Chief” rules were both scrapped for the 2nd-Edition. Forces of multiple nations in the same land territory or seazone may still defend together, but may no longer attack together.