Hi again,
The rules mentionned that Germany start the game at war with France and UK, so far so good. Here is the situation I am in at the end of turn 4 ( am playing all the Allied ): Germany went on trekking in Europe, attacking strickly neutrals or pro-allied only, left Pologne alone, didn’t bother with France, is now in Turkey…( the Dutch are gone ).
Italia is so bored that it is buying fortification in Rome, there so many troops going no where that there is no place anymore to put them in…( cannot attack, Paris has not fallen )
France has a zillion of troops on the Magino line and put all its fleet togheter near Normandy and is stacking up in Paris ( cannot attack Germany, Pologne wasn’t attacked )
Uk is building up too and will send most of its fleet in the Pacific as it is at war with Japan but not with Germany because Germany didn’t attack France…
Russia didn’t bother to attack Pologne since it is now on the pro-allied side. Just getting ready for Germany to attack around turn 6…
The US is building up in the Pacific, put all its fleets together and might be at war in an other 3 to 4 turns ( it is a long way to get at 80 with 2D6 per turn, got a 25+ when Japan attacked FEC though )
Japan’s fleets are far away from the US, took most of China but China is still playing hard to get. Japan is starting to gain more territories now but has to watch out for the Uk and US fleets.
Had any of you found itself in this situation ref to Germany not attacking either France or UK ? Or did we played something wrong, missed a rule, whatever ?
J. 8-)