• Which tank is your favorite?

  • Tiger Tank.

    Villers Bocage - Nuff Said.

  • Neat battle. Thanks for bringing it up and getting me to go read about it. My view that UK/American tanks still were not great by 1944 has been further reinforced. Also thanks to good gunnery and crews even obsolete Panzer IVs got kills late in the war.

    For 1941-1943 I picked the T-34. If I had to pick one good year round tank for my army that would be it. Cheap.  armor design the Germans couldnt match till the Panther of 43. FAST and mobile thanks to nice fat tread.

    Interestingly if I needed a tank to put myself into in the fall of 42 I might pick one of the 1347 Tiger I’s the Germans were going to get around to building.

    Man, only 1300 during the whole war. Think once their engineers got around to figuring out the finer points their Panther tank was superior. Still seems like in 42 and 43 while Panthers were in preproduction more Tigers would have been built.

  • Yea… they did what they had to do.

    Just imagine the Gasoline bills alone…

    Love tanks though.  Get behind the wheel of an Abrams if you ever get a chance!

  • I voted for the Panther. They weren’t all that much more expensive to produce than Mark IVs (Germany’s main battle tank of the era), yet had combat power nearly comparable to that of Tiger Is. Panthers actually had better front armor than Tiger Is; though their side and rear armor was not as good. The planned Panther Aust F version would (among other improvements) have dramatically increased the Panther’s armor against air attacks.

    Germany’s long-term plan was to replace all its old tank designs with its new, easily-produced, more powerful E-Series tanks. Panthers and Tiger Is would have been replaced by the E-50 tank; while the Tiger 2 would have been replaced by the E-75. Interestingly, the Germans were working on infrared lighting and sights for their tanks toward the end of the war.

  • Reliability issues aside, the Panther was the best designed medium tank of WW2.  Defensively ,tank design ie. armor thickness, slope reached a dead end with the Panther. Subsequent tanks, even in the Korea era, were only superior in their firepower.

  • @Battling:

    Reliability issues aside, the Panther was the best designed medium tank of WW2.  Defensively ,tank design ie. armor thickness, slope reached a dead end with the Panther. Subsequent tanks, even in the Korea era, were only superior in their firepower.

    You are right. And that’s why Germany’s E-Series tanks had the chance to make such a significant difference in the war. (If it had not been for the fact that Germany had run out of time.)

    The E-50 and the E-75 would have been a lot like the Panther and the Tiger II, respectively. Except that the E-Series tanks would have had simplified designs to eliminate the reliability problems you mentioned, and to make them much easier to build and to maintain. In addition, the E-Series tanks would have had improvements to their armor in comparison with their Panther and Tiger II predecessors. It’s highly likely the E-Series tanks would also have been much more difficult to destroy from the air.

  • I voted for the Panther tank. A superb medium tank with fine armament, lacking in armor, but more than made up for in it’s versatility to fill many different combat roles. I also favor the Tiger I. Such an easily recognizable menace to the Allies and has to this day, remained an iconic symbol of German power in WWII

  • The M14/41 gets my vote. Not the best tank by any means, but it’s just plain cool.

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