Listened to audiobook on Thucydides’ History of Peloponnesian War. Has anyone played board game titled Hellenes: Campaigns of the Peloponnesian War? Would make a great multiplayer game. A&A has WWI, Napoleon, Punic 270 BC, variants, but not Peloponnesian Wars (Athens vs Sparta). Would be interested in working together with anyone willing to develop a Greek city state variant for this website.
Star War Risk
Have any of you played the Star War Risk? What are your thoughts?
It’s a fun game. The special cards and star destroyers make it more fun than regular risk. It’s balanced toward the empire, no way the hutts can win.
As long as were talking orignal Star Wars risk, Its a pretty fun game. I think the whole, kill the Emperor thing make the game intresting, but can totally kill long term play-abality
Played it once, 2 vs. 2. I was on the Republic side and saw that we basically needed to rush to do damage and hopefully minimize Palpatine’s revolution. We had some terrible rolls whereas the other team had great ones. It was basically a few turns of us not making any progress, then Order 66 was called and it was essentially over. There are some specific rules for the game and it’s different than regular Risk, so I think it’s neat, just need to play it a few more times.