as far as i’m concerned, a dedicated strategic bombing campaign by either side is a waste of money insofar as building bombers and then replacing any that happen to get hit. the only time i generally use bombers is when i can’t use them to support any other attacks i might be using. it is worthwhile if you can get in some free shots, e.g if an IC has no AA to protect it, but I don’t generally like to use my bombers like that.
Strategic Bombing Raid?
When a bomber attacks an enemy industry can enemy of the respective territory in which the industry resides retaliate?
No. On a SBR the only thing that can shoot at a BMR is an AA gun.
-BMR flies to SBR the IC.
-Any territory that has an AA gun which the BMR flies over on the way to the IC gets to roll one die per plane. 3 BMR = roll 3 dice, add the #s, the defender returns that # of IPCs to the bank. :)- If 1 BMR is hit only 2 get to SBR the IC. 2 BMR = 2 dice, add the #s, the defender returns that # of IPCs to the bank. :)
In one variation of the game the BMR can be shot at on the return route if it passes over an AA gun. But, for example, if the UK BMR flies from UK to Germany, is missed by the AA, bombs and flies to Russia there is no second chance for the BMR to be hit.
I do not like this variation. In the regular game, the limited bombing and limited retaliation give you a simple idea of a complex war. Why try to make the game more difficult? If you want that GET A HARDER GAME!In a second variation friendly FTRs can escort and enemy FTRs can intercept the BMRs. But again, it just makes it more complex. And do you allow the FTRs to intercept and fly attack missions or not?
Don’t you love long answers to what you think is a simple ? :lol: