• Many people is saying that it is too expensive to attack true neutrals because suddently 41 armies become against your side and that is worth many IPCs.

    But correct me if i am wrong: neutrals cannot leave their own territory, so if you attack a true neutral and if you have no intention to occupy any other true neutral, the only armies effectivelly against you are the ones in that territory, right?

  • When you attack a true neutral all of the other true neutrals immidiately become pro-other side (pro-axis if you’re allies and vice versa). So even though those 41 (or however many) other armies don’t immidately attack you, now all it takes would be the other side to move one unit into any neutral territory and all of those infantry and ipcs immidately benefit them. For example, if axis invades switzerland, all of the true neutrals become pro-allies. So the british infantry in South Africa can simply move into Angola and Mozambique and pick up 4 inf and 2 ipc a turn for free.

    You should invade true neutrals only if the benefits far exceed these consequences (the other side picking up a possible 41 infantry for free to use against you).

  • So if i play for Germany and i enter a proaxis neutral that has lets say 2 infantry printed on the territory, those two infantry become german infantry and i can move them to other territories?

  • You can only occupy a friendly neutral during your noncombat move phase.
    So you can move them onward next turn.

  • Yes, both of those pro-axis infantry become German infantry, which you can then use to attack the allies. So if you put any troops into finland, you automatically get 4 free German infantry and you take over the territory

  • Interesting question……
    Can you land an air unit in a friendly neutral and does that count as occupying it?

  • When the USA and USSR are neutral, they can niether move their units into their allies’ terrotories nor allow their allies’ units into their territories. Once they are at war, even if you land an air unit in their territories (as long as their capital is still in their control) you cannot occupy and take over your ally’s territory. The only exception to this rule is the Dutch, but you need a land unit to gain their income.

  • Quote:
    Friendly Neutrals
    “These territories are listed as either Pro-Axis or Pro-Allies. A Pro-Axis neutral is friendly to Axis powers and a Pro-Allies neutral is friendly to Allied powers. You may not attack, move through, or fly over a friendly neutral. During the non-combat movement phase, a power may move into a friendly neutral. This action places control with the friendly power that moved in, production moves up the amount of the territory, and the army is activated by placing the number of units specified on the territory in the territory using the friendly powers pieces”.

    djensen posted this yesterday (8-4-10) in his 3rd preview, so no you can’t fly over (or land on) a friendly neutral. I guess it would apply to all neutrals.

    Edit: I would think that if you non combat ground units in (take ownership), that you still can not land air units there that turn. You didn’t own it since the beginning of your turn, but Kreig should clarify that.

  • @WILD:

    Edit: I would think that if you non combat ground units in (take ownership), that you still can not land air units there that turn. You didn’t own it since the beginning of your turn, but Kreig should clarify that.

    That would be against the basic A&A rule that you need to control a territory at the start of your turn in order to land planes on it during non-combat. So the only way to take over a pro-neutral is by walking a ground unit in it during non-combat.

    Only question that remains for me is can you blitz a pro-neutral or does your movement end like during combat moves. Krieg?

  • I believe Krieg has ruled before (in Pac40 for Mongolian territories) that you may blitz through unoccupied unfriendly or strict neutral territories, but since blitz is an action of the combat move phase and occupation of a friendly neutral is a function of the non-combat move phase, you cannot blitz through an unoccupied friendly neutral territory.  However, I only see this coming into play for the Russians with Persia as most of the pro-Axis/pro-Allies territories spawn infantry, and so are not empty so blitz would be moot anyway.

  • It’s true that infantry will spawn, but remember those are friendly infantry units. In fact they become your property. So why would you have to stop for your own units…. Bulgaria is a good example. Can Germany use their tank blitz on NCM to control Bulgaria or not?

  • it would make sence.

  • so every one is going to invade pro their side neutral to gain the armies. And all pro one side neutrals will be involved in AA war, although not in the real wwii.


  • The strict neutral rule is stupid. So if invade mongolia as Japan spain and sweden feel compelled to join the allies. I am going to delete this rule.

  • If it’s true that all true nutrals become your enemy all over the world cause of one incident in one small part of the globe, then I totally agree with  finnman and will delete this rule.  But surely this couldn’t be the case, something has to be misunderstood, cause that is to strange, even in this fanasy world where men are larger than tanks!!!

  • The reason they have this rule is to dissuade people from attacking true neutrals. Even though in real life Mongolia might not immidiately go to war if Sweden was invaded, there would be some international backlash

  • What am I doing wrong?  I count 48 “True Neutrals” and everybody else is saying 41.

    Angola - 2
    Mozambique - 2
    Mongolia, Olgly - 2
    Mongolia, Dzavhan - 1
    Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar - 1
    Mongolia, Buyant-Uhaa - 2
    Sweden - 6
    Spain - 6
    Portugal - 2
    Switzerland - 2
    Turkey - 8
    Saudi Arabia - 2
    Afghanistan - 4
    Argentina - 4
    Chile - 2
    Venezuela – 2

    TOTAL = 48

  • I count 48 also.

  • @GrizzlyMan:

    The reason they have this rule is to dissuade people from attacking true neutrals. Even though in real life Mongolia might not immidiately go to war if Sweden was invaded, there would be some international backlash

    It makes more sense on the European side of the globe especially with colonies involved, but I agree that Mongolia doesn’t seem to fit in with those…  Overall I like the rule though.

  • I agree, it’s better to be too cautious with the true neutrals than to lax. It’s not like the game gets worse just b/c invading true neutrals is a bad idea, b/c we’ve never (except i suppose in the original) been able to do it anyways. I think it’s fine for now, but maybe in a later version it could be made as a more reasonable and realistic option.

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