In Risk I rarely try to take Australia as a base at the beginning of a game, it’s to isolated, I rather be in the mix of things.
However, on this day I decided to take Australia. I had China, Siam, Indonesia and both Australia. New Guinea defended by three enemy armies was all that stood in my way.
On my first turn I place a decent force to take care of New Guinea, I had close to 8-10 units. My attack failed to remove the enemy. For all my losses I only took one defending piece.
On turn two I place another decent force of five reinforcements. This all out attack only took one piece.
Round three I failed to take his one piece. Just one enemy piece…
Round four I mass everything I have and attack. After half my force was gone, I walked in New Guinea a broken humbled man. I had lost 10 units for every one I took.
To this day, whenever the buddies get together for Risk, the term NEW GUINEA has a symbolic meaning.
In risk, I build up North America, starting with Alaska, and then down my way, and I take Iceland, but nothing else in Europe (sometimes Scandinavia)
I then fight to get control of all North America and build up Iceland like crazy
Then I travel down to South America and again build up Iceland.
I then start to move into Africa and take control of Europe
Also if I ever get attacked from Asia I push them out, also if someone has all of Asia, I move somewhat into Asia.
Then once I have Africa I fight in the Asia Europe and Africa border.
Once I get down in Asia (usually from Kamchatka)
Then I get control of China and India, wait for a counter attack, then push them in!