German strategy for the world game

  • @Funcioneta:

    If Spain is neutral, the strait should be opened taking both Morocco and Gibraltar

    But if Spain is not neutral (I mean, after is attacked by someone), the strait should be opened taking Spain and Morocco (because Gibraltar garrison will have then a very hard time trying hold the rock, for not talking about blocking ships, and south edge of Spain is nearer to Morocco than Gibraltar)

    You could say the same for Kattegat (or whatever name has Danish strait): if Sweden is still neutral, the combo is Denmark+Norway, but if Sweden is at war, the combo should be Sweden+Denmark (and this is even more clear than Gibraltar)

    Let’s hope that Larry gives to the neutrals a proper treatment or we are going to have a fantasy scenario again

    No, Gibraltar is the nearest point at which Spain comes to Africa.  Closing Gibraltar should require both the closest African territory and Gibraltar.  I think closing the strights between the Baltic and the North Sea, whatever they are called, should require both Denmark and Sweden as well, or even all 3 between Denmark, Sweden and Norway.  But I’m not so sure this straight should even exist to start with.  I guess its ust a way to let the German player biuld a navy in the Baltic if he wants.  It would be more fun that way, albeit, probably not smart.

  • @brettstarr4:

    I can’t see why Germany wouldn’t invade Spain as soon as France is conquered

    We don’t know how many infs pops Spain … if, say, 5-6 or more, Germany will have to think twice because that attack would slow Barbarossa. If 2-3 … oh, well, fantasy scenario, because Spain is only one territory (but Larry made Guyanas 3 territories W-T-F-?)

    And let’s pray for Switzerland impassable or popping a insane amount of movile infs (10 + ?) … I’d hate Germany or, even worst, Italy invading Switzerland all the games  :|

  • Yes, Britain owns Gibraltar, but Germany or Italy will own it before Britain or America are in a position to take it back.  Before Britain or America are capable of takign it back, I think the Germans have Spain or the Med secured enough to ensure Gibraltar switches sides every turn.  If the allies are trying to swap Gibraltar back and forth every time, they are probably wasting troops more needed elsewhere.  If the Axis loose Gibraltar, they would have to be losing badly elsewhere, because securing the Med will be very important in Italy’s holding Africa.

  • @brettstarr4:

    No, Gibraltar is the nearest point at which Spain comes to Africa.  Closing Gibraltar should require both the closest African territory and Gibraltar.  I think closing the strights between the Baltic and the North Sea, whatever they are called, should require both Denmark and Sweden as well, or even all 3 between Denmark, Sweden and Norway.  But I’m not so sure this straight should even exist to start with.  I guess its ust a way to let the German player biuld a navy in the Baltic if he wants.  It would be more fun that way, albeit, probably not smart.

    Check a map, I think that the town nearer to Africa is or Algeciras or Tarifa (maybe Tarifa, but not totally sure), but I’m totally sure that is not Gibraltar

    I like the combo of nor+swe+den by the way

  • @Funcioneta:


    I can’t see why Germany wouldn’t invade Spain as soon as France is conquered

    We don’t know how many infs pops Spain … if, say, 5-6 or more, Germany will have to think twice because that attack would slow Barbarossa. If 2-3 … oh, well, fantasy scenario, because Spain is only one territory (but Larry made Guyanas 3 territories W-T-F-?)

    And let’s pray for Switzerland impassable or popping a insane amount of movile infs (10 + ?) … I’d hate Germany or, even worst, Italy invading Switzerland all the games  :|

    Hitler was going to invade Switzerland, but thought it would be a waste of resources.

  • Gibraltar is the territory that is the peninsula that extends from the Southern tip of Spain.  It is the point where the Iberian peninsula is closest to Africa.

    I think adding all these straights and canals just slows the free movement of the game.  It will block of segments of the board.  The capability to invade neutrals was supposed to open the board up I thought, but it appears the naval movement is going the opposite direction now.  Lots of straights and other small bodies of water would be hard to sail through if you were an opposing force. Like, couldn’t we say if the Allies own N. France and England, Germany can’t pass through the channel?  Or If America owns Eastern US and Cuba you can’t pass into the Gulf?  These are small and nearly impassable bodies of water when owned by enemies, but I think that the game should open up movement for naval forces besides the 2 canals - Suez and Panama.

  • @brettstarr4:

    Yes, Britain owns Gibraltar, but Germany or Italy will own it before Britain or America are in a position to take it back.  Before Britain or America are capable of takign it back, I think the Germans have Spain or the Med secured enough to ensure Gibraltar switches sides every turn.  If the allies are trying to swap Gibraltar back and forth every time, they are probably wasting troops more needed elsewhere.  If the Axis loose Gibraltar, they would have to be losing badly elsewhere, because securing the Med will be very important in Italy’s holding Africa.

    In anniversary, Gibraltar is accessible from the Atlantic. It seems to be the case here as well. Additionally, transports from EUS can reach Gibraltar in 1 turn. Britain goes before Italy and Germnay has no units in the Med

  • Checked: Tarifa is the southern point and is nearer to Africa than Gibraltar

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    In anniversary, Gibraltar is accessible from the Atlantic

    It should not be so, because Gibraltar is not bordering the Atlantic in real world: it’s Tarifa, another Spanish city, the one bordering both Mediterranean and Atlantic. Gibraltar (and Hong Kong) has a gargantuesque size in AA50

  • @calvinhobbesliker:


    Yes, Britain owns Gibraltar, but Germany or Italy will own it before Britain or America are in a position to take it back.  Before Britain or America are capable of takign it back, I think the Germans have Spain or the Med secured enough to ensure Gibraltar switches sides every turn.  If the allies are trying to swap Gibraltar back and forth every time, they are probably wasting troops more needed elsewhere.  If the Axis loose Gibraltar, they would have to be losing badly elsewhere, because securing the Med will be very important in Italy’s holding Africa.

    In anniversary, Gibraltar is accessible from the Atlantic. It seems to be the case here as well. Additionally, transports from EUS can reach Gibraltar in 1 turn. Britain goes before Italy and Germnay has no units in the Med

    It doesn’t matter.  I don’t see how Gibraltar closing the Med can help the Allies.  I have never played an edition of teh game where that was the case.  I own AA Revised and I don’t think that sthe case on there.  This is an advantage for the Axis player, you have to see that.  That’s all I’m saying.

  • @brettstarr4:



    Yes, Britain owns Gibraltar, but Germany or Italy will own it before Britain or America are in a position to take it back.  Before Britain or America are capable of takign it back, I think the Germans have Spain or the Med secured enough to ensure Gibraltar switches sides every turn.  If the allies are trying to swap Gibraltar back and forth every time, they are probably wasting troops more needed elsewhere.  If the Axis loose Gibraltar, they would have to be losing badly elsewhere, because securing the Med will be very important in Italy’s holding Africa.

    In anniversary, Gibraltar is accessible from the Atlantic. It seems to be the case here as well. Additionally, transports from EUS can reach Gibraltar in 1 turn. Britain goes before Italy and Germnay has no units in the Med

    It doesn’t matter.  I don’t see how Gibraltar closing the Med can help the Allies.  I have never played an edition of teh game where that was the case.  I own AA Revised and I don’t think that sthe case on there.  This is an advantage for the Axis player, you have to see that.  That’s all I’m saying.

    Closing the western med only helps slightly sing most naval reinforcements will be coming through the suez canal. Also, I doubt that Gibraltar will start empty like in previous versions.

  • @Funcioneta:


    In anniversary, Gibraltar is accessible from the Atlantic

    It should not be so, because Gibraltar is not bordering the Atlantic in real world: it’s Tarifa, another Spanish city, the one bordering both Mediterranean and Atlantic. Gibraltar (and Hong Kong) has a gargantuesque size in AA50

    Gibraltar is a territory, not a city.  It is the entire peninsula.

  • @Funcioneta:


    In anniversary, Gibraltar is accessible from the Atlantic

    It should not be so, because Gibraltar is not bordering the Atlantic in real world: it’s Tarifa, another Spanish city, the one bordering both Mediterranean and Atlantic. Gibraltar (and Hong Kong) has a gargantuesque size in AA50

    So that stuff can fit there

  • @calvinhobbesliker:



    In anniversary, Gibraltar is accessible from the Atlantic

    It should not be so, because Gibraltar is not bordering the Atlantic in real world: it’s Tarifa, another Spanish city, the one bordering both Mediterranean and Atlantic. Gibraltar (and Hong Kong) has a gargantuesque size in AA50

    So that stuff can fit there

    Honk Kong could be justified given its economic importance in China.  Gibraltar is strategically important. Both deserve to be recognized in AA.

  • I just had a great idea!!! Passing through straights should be like anti-aircraft guns are to planes.  You should be able to pass through, but as long as an enemy has an opposing unit on the territory he should get to roll for a 1 and you take a hit for every 1 rolled!! This would be more militarily/historically accurate than simply closing a straight.

    Except to subs I guess.  But then again, why would the straights be closed to subs anyway if they can theoretically move under opponents without trigger combat anyway. Maybe they have to surface to get through a straight though, to be accurate, since straights aren’t that deep, I don’t think.

  • @brettstarr4:




    In anniversary, Gibraltar is accessible from the Atlantic

    It should not be so, because Gibraltar is not bordering the Atlantic in real world: it’s Tarifa, another Spanish city, the one bordering both Mediterranean and Atlantic. Gibraltar (and Hong Kong) has a gargantuesque size in AA50

    So that stuff can fit there

    Honk Kong could be justified given its economic importance in China.  Gibraltar is strategically important. Both deserve to be recognized in AA.

    They must be included, that for sure, but they should not be so huge (specially Hong Kong). And say what you want, but crude facts show that Tarifa is nearer to Africa than any point of the (occupied) territory of Gibraltar

  • @brettstarr4:

    I just had a great idea!!! Passing through straights should be like anti-aircraft guns are to planes.  You should be able to pass through, but as long as an enemy has an opposing unit on the territory he should get to roll for a 1 and you take a hit for every 1 rolled!! This would be more militarily/historically accurate than simply closing a straight.

    Except to subs I guess.  But then again, why would the straights be closed to subs anyway if they can theoretically move under opponents without trigger combat anyway. Maybe they have to surface to get through a straight though, to be accurate, since straights aren’t that deep, I don’t think.

    Good idea

  • @brettstarr4:

    I just had a great idea!!! Passing through straights should be like anti-aircraft guns are to planes.  You should be able to pass through, but as long as an enemy has an opposing unit on the territory he should get to roll for a 1 and you take a hit for every 1 rolled!! This would be more militarily/historically accurate than simply closing a straight.

    Except to subs I guess.  But then again, why would the straights be closed to subs anyway if they can theoretically move under opponents without trigger combat anyway. Maybe they have to surface to get through a straight though, to be accurate, since straights aren’t that deep, I don’t think.

    That’s an interesting idea for the usage of straits, especially considering that the guns at the Gibraltar base was the stated reason why it “closed” the straits.  It would even work well with the new rules for capital ships not auto repairing, so it would still be a threat to battleships crossing through the straits as they would always survive, but might still take a hit and be weakened to any counter attacks.

    And from what I understand, subs will be able to move through straits regardless of ownership, though of course the canals are still impassable if enemy controlled.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    So, should Gibraltar be furnished with a Naval and Air base? I would assume so.

  • I don’t think so, Gibraltar is too small even for one of them, at least in setup. Malta as much could have a AB

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