sorry for your seasoned body! But indeed you need to role exactly the right number. This also makes the game fair! Other wise you would have a 100% chance to get jet fighters?
Question about the bidding system
I don’t understand how the bidding system works. Can some one help me out?
People think the axis are at a disadvantage. So the first person will say, “I can play axis with x ipcs.” The other person can eiher let person 1 play axis with an extra x ipcs added either to cash on hand or units on the boad, or they can say, “I can play axis with y ipcs,” where y is a smaller number than x. Eventually, when the one person thinks the axis bid is just right, they let them play that way.
Actually, that is one way to do it. That is a “bid down” version.
I run a tourney that uses a “bid up” up version.
There is also a secret bid version where the players just write down their bids and then reveal the bids simultaneously.
A bid up would be players bidding to be Allies at higher and higher axis bids, right?
Thanks to everyone for clearing that up. :)