Tricked out my AA50th - pics in a bucket

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    LHoff - yep, did indeed.  My AA50th errr… project(?) endeavours(s) predates all our fancy options out there now by FMG and HBG, that Biz is from a different game/scale yet I really liked it. In retrospect, I should have done some clay options for smoothening… oh well, it’s seen some action  :evil:   I intend on ultimately making that edition of mine some sort of “grand mix” of different painted models (FMG HBG OOB etc.), thought it would be cool to represent (and as much as I would like to, have supplement rules correlating to pieces but our games are long enough and time being short, it’ll probably be more for the spirit of it rather than game mechanic).

    Thanks. And I would agree; we do a lot of superfluous stuff because we like it and idealistically believe we will actually use it. But even in reality when we don’t use the pieces/rules, it was still fun to make and there is some satisfaction in knowing you always have the option to use it if you want.

  • Customizer

    That or we just happen to be the little boys we were and like playing with our toys when no-one else is a round to play with us…Heheh.

    That’s my story and I’m sticking with it.

  • Customizer


    That or we just happen to be the little boys we were and like playing with our toys when no-one else is a round to play with us…Heheh.

    That’s my story and I’m sticking with it.

    Ditto.  I’ll have you know that I make the best machine-gun noises this side of the Atlantic.

    hehehe - It’s strange really.  Sometimes when I’m ‘in the zone’, I’ll take the time to paint something that I doubt anyone will ever notice… yet once the idea is my head - it’s gotta get to a fig. eh eh eh  Example: I ran across an Italian with a flash mark on his face… after a few very precise cuts and painting attempts, booya, the Italian has a cigarette in his mouth. But I think the point is I know it’s there.  Well… and he looks cooler when I’m using them for action figures  :-D

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    hehehe - It’s strange really.  Sometimes when I’m ‘in the zone’, I’ll take the time to paint something that I doubt anyone will ever notice… yet once the idea is my head - it’s gotta get to a fig. eh eh eh   Example: I ran across an Italian with a flash mark on his face… after a few very precise cuts and painting attempts, booya, the Italian has a cigarette in his mouth. But I think the point is I know it’s there.  Well… and he looks cooler when I’m using them for action figures  :-D

    Excellent! That’s the kind of quality we all want, the stuff you can’t even see. Then you know it’s the real deal.  8-)

  • Customizer

    Yup. I added more details to my 105mm prototype. Don’t tell Paul. 6 more steps. I’ll post on the nest update.

  • Customizer


    ––Three MORE cheers for the Sgt. !

    Hip, hip, Hooray!
    Hip, hip, Hooray!
    Hip, hip, Hooray!

    ----I would’ve said “huuua” but didn’t think I was allowed as I’m Army, and not a
    “Jarhead Marine”. :-D
    ----Like I said on your thread, I was surprised :-o when I found your 105’s to be my favorite of that batch of ‘goodies’. They look GREAT! :-D

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer

    OK… I have my artillery separated… they’re upset that Sgt. inspired me, they don’t like the look of the hobby knife.  :evil:

  • Customizer

    V.I.P. “V”,


    OK… I have my artillery separated… they’re upset that Sgt. inspired me, they don’t like the look of the hobby knife.   :evil:

    ––Do you have any pics of the artillery units you’re working on? Or pics of any of your units. I need a “fix” for my painted A&A addiction and yours are always great to look at!

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer

    Heyo Paul - sorry for the delayed response.  Would love to post some recent pics of my 50th - A LOT has changed.  But I no longer have a camera, and the one on my phone - I might as well not even try.  But I’ll try to get a buddy of mine to get some shots.

    In the meantime, I’ll email Jeremy - it would be nice if he posted some pics of the Italians I painted for him.

    Was checking out your stuff again Paul - wow.  Love how all of it is so historically accurate as well.

  • Customizer

    V.I.P. “V”,

    ––I certainly wouldn’t want you to ever feel any ‘pressure’ from me for showing me some pics of your wonderful painted units. I simply enjoy and appreciate the talents you have for painting them. Old pics are just as good as new ones to me. And yes, I’d love to see pics of the Italian units you painted for Jeremy if posssible. We have a shared interest(addiction) to our painted A&A units, haha.

    ----And as far as my units, I must say that “Allwork”, Wil, and Lucas are VERY TALENTED guys and deserve all of the credit. But what I enjoy most of all is that they’re also really nice guys to work with. We have literally dozens of new units in the que with some Navy/Marine F-4F Wildcats about to be finished.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer

    Tallest of Pauls,

    'Pressure?" Bah, no worries.

    No word from Jeremy… but I’m sure he’s got his hands full, they’ll be posted eventually I’m sure.

    eh eh eh - “shared interest (addiction)” - heheh - you got that right.

    Yeah - you have a fantastic war machine crew, your completed set is going to be awesome.  You need to host a game with the whole warmachine when it’s all done (+ 1 - me :)

  • Customizer

    V.I.P. “V”,


    Tallest of Pauls,
    ––Actually, I’m the shortest in my family, only 6’-4".
    'Pressure?" Bah, no worries.
    No word from Jeremy… but I’m sure he’s got his hands full, they’ll be posted eventually I’m sure.
    ––Yep, I can only imagine how busy he is.
    eh eh eh - “shared interest (addiction)” - heheh - you got that right.
    ––Well, I gave it a shot as they say. We should have some pics of my ‘Wildcat’ fighters really soon, I’ll let you know.
    Yeah - you have a fantastic war machine crew, your completed set is going to be awesome.�  You need to host a game with the whole warmachine when it’s all done (+ 1 - me :)
    ––I’m very much looking forward to the day I get all of these units done. Sometimes it seems I may not live that long, though, haha. Wil is cranking them out quite fast, but they still need painting. I’ll certainly send you an (un)engraved invitation to the initial game that uses only highly detailed, painted units. Just remember,…you’re V.I.P. “V”

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer

    Know what you’re saying about it seemingly like a project that you won’t see the end of…  I had thought I’d finished my 50th, but no, so many cool pieces to add - now I think I have more unpainted than painted in there…

  • Some outstanding gaming tables here. My only problem is space! :|

  • Customizer


    ––I agree, Viracocha does a great job on his paint jobs. And his “personality” is even better. These and his moral support of everyone on the site are the main reasons that I nominated him for a “Customiser” award. I’d like to see some (more) of his painted pics, too.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer

    Heyo Paul!  I’ve been MIA for a bit… still am, travel.  BUT, I have been taking my parts of my 50th along - I’ve overhauled it, almost done.  I think you’ll really like what I’ve done - I’ll start posting when it’s complete.  Btw - wow, the warmachine - wow… some fantastic - not some, all are so damn impressive!  You get any table time with your painted figs yet Paul?  I’d like to see some in action - I haven’t had as much time online lately as in the past but I’d go out of my way to see some of those action photos.

    My 50th overhaul that I’ll post here when done:

    All infantry done again.
    New units added everywhere (so many cool ones out now!!)
    Unique placeholders
    a portable 3D map.

    Almost done!!!

    Gonna go and check out some Warmachine pics now…  :-D

  • how hard would it be to cut 2 of the engines of the bombers from classic? oh and have it looks good when it’s done.

  • Hi, I would very much like to see your painted collection. I had difficulty seeing your collection in photo bucket. Is their anyway you can post your pics. I have most of my own miniatures pianted, some look good others not so good. Painting my own miniatures has been a long project. When I figure how to I will post some of my painted minis. If you want to you can see some of my own in youtube. Look me up, and check out my videos.

  • Customizer



    how hard would it be to cut 2 of the engines of the bombers from classic? oh and have it looks good when it’s done.

    ––Just what particular aircraft are you wanting to end up with. The reason I’m asking is that there are already many two-enine bombers produced. Between all of the Out Of Box, Historical Board Gaming, Field Marshal Gaming, and now Shapeways units,…you have MANY, MANY, choices already.
    ----You might want to also check-out all of HBG’s Global Warfare 1939 Expansion Sets that are coming out very soon.

    “Tall Paul”

  • @Tall:



    how hard would it be to cut 2 of the engines of the bombers from classic? oh and have it looks good when it’s done.

    ––Just what particular aircraft are you wanting to end up with. The reason I’m asking is that there are already many two-enine bombers produced. Between all of the Out Of Box, Historical Board Gaming, Field Marshal Gaming, and now Shapeways units,…you have MANY, MANY, choices already.
    ----You might want to also check-out all of HBG’s Global Warfare 1939 Expansion Sets that are coming out very soon.

    “Tall Paul”

    sorry for the late reply. I was asking because I really wanted 2 engine bomber for UK and ANZAC to hold me over until HBG did one. Well right after I asked they made the B-25 available in UK tan and ANZAC grey so there’s no need or want to try to make some from classic bombers.

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