We will not send in our Guys into a conflict, wich asian guys better solve them selfs…
…ah what was his name again?!?.. 8-)
Read this:
I say we should pull out of S. Korea. We could use it and the possibility of not defending S. Korea as barganing chips to get them to get rid of their nukes. We get them to turn over all of their enriched plutonium, we give them S. Korea. I think it is a fair trade, which would save us 3 billion a year.
The South Koreans don’t appreciate our presence there anyways…I say we go.
I’d say take em out if we weren’t looking at a possible war with North Korea.
i think there needs to be an addendum to this poll. Obviously Koreans need some education on what happened 50 years ago, and how their asses were saved and how they are being protected today. After this, the country needs a referendum. If more than, say 40% want the Americans to stay, then the Koreans offer some concessions to the US in exchange for $3billion worth of help and “human equity”. If less than 40% want the US to hang around, then they pull out en masse, and relocate to the west (gulf, Africa, etc.).
(i chose 40% as although it’s not a majority, it’s still a large enough chunk to make a difference. It could be 20% for that matter, as 20% of a pop that does not want a foreign presence around would constitute a problem as well.)
I agree with CC. They should only stay there if the South Koreans want us there.
Keep them there.
I’d say take em out if we weren’t looking at a possible war with North Korea.
That’s a good point. However, I wouldn’t leave our American troops in the geographic position they’re in right now. If war ever erupted, they’d be completely obliterated by NK’s artillary.
N. Korea mightbe willing to give up their nukees if we promise no interference on the peninsula
i doubt it, even if north korea did agree to such a deal they would keep a nuke or two, or they would just make some more
Shouldn’t this be the job of the UN?
What be the U.N.'s job? Disarming N.Korea, protecting S. Korea?
SO many U.N. resolutions are ignored.
Besides, who do you think the Taepo-Dong 2 is going to be aimed at?