• @Mark:

    And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."

    Who has drunk deadly poison?

  • I’m an agnostic, and i definitately do not believe in a god most believe in, because it is logically impossible.

    I believe there is some sort of creator…exactly what my mortal mind cannot know.

  • I’ve by accidently swallowed HCl, and i didnt get harmed a bit, and yes i am a believer!

  • @Meijing:


    And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."

    Who has drunk deadly poison?

    I am a believer and worshipper of the Christian God.
    Also this references the day of Pentacost - fifty days following the resurrection when the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles. The book of Acts refers to a time that the apostle Paul was bitten by an asp and was not harmed.

  • Moderator

    I could drink deadly poison and it wouldn’t harm and yes I am a believer.
    But Jesus’s point was not about external activity to cause someone to repent it is (and was) a means of saving your life.


  • look around you, how can anyone not believe that god created all these things that work in harmony.

  • I’m not sure why this should refer to the Pentacost. Jesus didn’t mention a time limit.

    You have to swallow huge amounts of HCl before it is deadly. Rat poison is probably a better joice. But make sure the dose is high enough.

  • @Meijing:

    I’m not sure why this should refer to the Pentacost. Jesus didn’t mention a time limit.

    You have to swallow huge amounts of HCl before it is deadly. Rat poison is probably a better joice. But make sure the dose is high enough.

    Anything is deadly in a high enough dose.
    Millions of people are currently taking rat poison. It is known as Warfarin or Coumadin, and it saves lives at therapeutic dose, however it could result in liver problems, and if not monitored, could result in bleeding complications.

  • I honestly believe that if you follow the Bible you are a fool. Believing in a higher power is one thing, but actually believing in a book?

    The Bible is false, pure and simple. I’m not going to start another huge argument so I’ll leave it at that.

    Do I belive there is a higher power? I think it is a statistical impossiblity for there to not be one.

  • I know I have drunk alot of whisky and got alcohol poisoning.

    So, yeah. I do believe in God. There you go.

    Oh yeah and Yanny, ppl don’t believe in the Bible. They believe in God. The bible is a guideline. Nothing more. I don’t follow it to the t. Yet, I still believe in God.

  • @Yanny:

    I honestly believe that if you follow the Bible you are a fool. Believing in a higher power is one thing, but actually believing in a book?

    The Bible is false, pure and simple. I’m not going to start another huge argument so I’ll leave it at that.

    Do I belive there is a higher power? I think it is a statistical impossiblity for there to not be one.

    geee Yanny, a fool?? Really??
    that’s not very nice . . . .

  • @cystic:

    Anything is deadly in a high enough dose.
    Millions of people are currently taking rat poison. It is known as Warfarin or Coumadin, and it saves lives at therapeutic dose, however it could result in liver problems, and if not monitored, could result in bleeding complications.

    Hence he uses the word “deadly”.
    Deadly poison is poison in a dose high enough to be deadly, else it isn’t deadly poison.

  • Moderator


    I honestly believe that if you follow the Bible you are a fool. Believing in a higher power is one thing, but actually believing in a book?

    The Bible is false, pure and simple. I’m not going to start another huge argument so I’ll leave it at that.

    Do I belive there is a higher power? I think it is a statistical impossiblity for there to not be one.

    If you look it is the only book with anyhting right anymore… You ask most people and they say the world is all dangerous wrong etc… When has there ever been a book that has everything “right”(in the sense of our current laws and beyond)?


  • much of the bible has been proven acurate by archeologists. were do you beliee you will go when you die?

  • Several feet underground.

  • geee Yanny, a fool?? Really??
    that’s not very nice . . . .

    Fool :)

    Again I’m not going to start another huge argument. I digress.

  • I do believe in God, but I am skeptical about many things in the bible. The bible is a way of life, not a historical text. It’s philosophy. I feel sorry for folks that can’t see beyond the bible. God made a big beautiful world. It would be an immense waste of space if we could find everything in a single text.

  • Yanny,
    I find it very ignorant to say we worship the bible… I believe you dont know what your talking about or the facts about this subject! :)

  • im not taking any chances. id much rather go to heaven.

  • Mutha,
    Some people do indeed worship the Bible. For some it is the entirty of history. If it ain’t in there it does not exist. Some people say that dinosaurs did not exist for instance because the Bible says people where here from the very begining of creation. The Bible has a timeline and some people think it shows all of the history of the galaxy. I am not among that group. Frankly people in that group scare me and I am not currently going to church because I don’t want to be around people like that. I still believe in God though.

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