First of all I don’t want to start presuming too much, because I’m not a German and I’d really like to avoid becoming a “know-it-all-American” type…
But 2 brothers from Deutsch Evern are 2 of my best friends in the whole world, we talk a lot about Germany and America and I have travelled in Germany–these are about my only claims to knowledge about Germany other than a longtime interest in the country (mainly beginning w/ meeting these guys)…
I see Germany’s basic social problem these days–as it is with most other West European countries–is the massive influx of foreigners (one might even include east Germans) that has been going on for a while and is reaching a critical level. You’ve got to understand that most European national states were founded with a (more or less conscious) idea of a national identity based on culture, language & ethnicity. Now HUGE #s (well, not compared to American immigration, but that’s a whole other issue)of foreigners are coming in and Europeans must deal with it mentally–and it is tough. In other words; “Can an ethnic Turk ever really become a ‘German’?” “Can a West African ever really become a ‘Frenchman’?” In the USA, we have our own (mainly racial) issues of this kind, but basically no one (but extremists) doubts whether, say, an Irishman or Latino can ever eventually become fully “American”. It has to do with national identity–in Europe, so often, the “state” and the “culture/language/ethnicity” are one in peoples’ minds.
I may be way off base here, so input by actual Europeans would, I’m sure, be more enlightening. I’m just relating my limited observations.
As far as Bavaria, in some ways I’d see the difference between Bavaria and, say, Niedersachsen is more like the perceived difference between say, Texas & New England. North Germans (especially the old Hanseatic states) see themselves as more reserved socially, but more liberal (“enlightened”? :wink: ) politically, whereas they tend to view Catholic, conservative, Bavaria as retrograde culturally & politically–sometimes a source of embarrassment. Far be it from me to decide one way or another!
Re: German instructors–my teacher was, I think, a fairly reasonable lady who suffered somewhat from the ugly prejudices of her local native culture (which–believe me–is not wholly discouraged even in supposedly “liberal” Northern Cal). Judging from what you’ve said, though, I’d have to agree w/ F_alk that your History instructor is an out-and-out Nazi!!! No one in Germany (without a shaved head & white bootlaces) would DARE publicly advocate something like “union w/ the territories ‘lost’ in WWI/WWII”! That borders on Nazi-type hate speech (and is definitely right-wing propaganda), which is illegal in Germany. Makes me wonder why he came to the US to begin with–you should ask him!
Anyway, these are just my observations.
P.S. TG-- :lol: I’ll let it go this time, but don’t EVER compare Sonoma & Orange counties like that! Did we produce Ronald Reagan? Pete Wilson? The Duke? The Mighty Ducks?;it’s been said that everything bad that ever came from California came from Orange County. :lol: If you are from there, I will exclude you, but I assume by the fact that you put “L.A.” in your profile you are not… :o