I collect Destroyers.(I am cheap!)
Think it has to be DD and 2SS, like Vance said.
Subs are so powerful in Global with the Convoy Raiding.
Need 3 more players for a 5 player, by email game.
A free for all!?
#1 Prediction: Russia gets raped while USA sits around its island nation building nothing more than a navy and an airforce. Game over.
#2 Prediction: Germany and Japan turn on each other after knocking over Russia. USA builds bombers and starts SBR.
#3 Prediction: UK watches hopelessly as Africa is overrun (Germany, USA) and Asia is overrun (Japan, USA).“will those bombers do much good?”
That’s what I’m saying. Bombers suck! :evil:
Okay, so it seems the following people are/were interested in starting a email game:
TM Moses ???
Horten Flying Wing (wants free for all)
Wild2000 (Does not want free for all.I think we wll not play free for all since it means we do not have 5 players. I would like to play 2nd edition rules with Russia restricted, and no bid. I would be happy to play Germany.
I will send a private message to all the people who showed interest in this game some time this evening. People should start naming the country they want to play. First come, first serve.
I take Germany. -
Can I please be in this game? :( I don’t play very often, and you guys are such talented people. My favorite country is Great Britain, but I am willing to have any just as long as I have a chance to play.
Okay, great! We have heard from everyone except Chris. If Chris still wants to join the game the assignments will be:
Russia = HortenFlyingWing (email ???)
Germany = Zero (rmundsc@gocsg.net)
U.K. = T.M. Moses VII (email ???)
Japan = Chris (email for game ??)
U.S. = Wild2000 (Wild2000@whatemail.com)The rules will be second edition. 1 hit battleships, Russia restricted, no bid.
Horten, TM and Chris please give the email you want to use for receiving turn information from the dice server, and I will set up the game on Dicey or some other dice server if Dicey is still out of order.
I’m willing to try out the game next time around if you want another player.
EmuGod, If Chris doesn’t reply soon you will be welcome to join the current game as Japan. I want to give Chris a couple more days though.
My e-mail is angelgirl1893@hotmail.com
Please contact me on our general Allied strategy, I’ll try to help as much as I can! :)
Heh heh, how nice of you Zero :D!
Sorry, I haven’t been around the forums for like the last week or so, because with my move back to Canada I’ve had pretty limited access to a computer. (however, I get a computer for finishing school! It’s arriving in about a week). I’ll be at my cousins for the next week and a half…4 of those days I’ll be camping. My cousin’s computer doesn’t have any A&A utilities or anything, and I’d prefer to do it from my own computer. SO, if you guys wanna get going right away, then that’s cool (but I will HAVE to be in on the next game! :wink: ) So EmuGod, I guess you’re taking my spot unless these guys want to wait a week and a half for me. My email’s ctm0808@hotmail.com.
Thanks. I hate to take your spot Chris, but thanks a lot for being so nice about it. My e-mail is emugod4ever@yahoo.com and tell me if I need any utilities to download. Nipon is my favourite country in A&A, anyway.
Okay, sorry Chris I’m an impatient bastard. Let’s start this game with Emu as Japan I will set the game up on Dicey, and then I will start 2 threads in the forum. The first thread will be the game log, and I will post all of the emails from Dicey in that thread to act as a running log of the game. I will start a second thread where we should discuss the game, talk trash, etc. By using 2 threads I hope we can keep the log clean and easy to read and follow.
I will act as the banker and post everyones IPCs in the log thread at the end of each turn. Expect to receive an email from Dicey soon. I will post in this thread again when I have the game completely set-up to tell you what the names of the 2 new threads are.
Thank-you everyone for joining this game. This is my first game of A&A by email. I think it is the first such game for many players, so we will work out the kinks together.
Okay, sorry Chris I’m an impatient bastard. Let’s start this game with Emu as Japan I will set the game up on Dicey, and then I will start 2 threads in the forum. The first thread will be the game log, and I will post all of the emails from Dicey in that thread to act as a running log of the game. I will start a second thread where we should discuss the game, talk trash, etc. By using 2 threads I hope we can keep the log clean and easy to read and follow.
I will act as the banker and post everyones IPCs in the log thread at the end of each turn. Expect to receive an email from Dicey soon. I will post in this thread again when I have the game completely set-up to tell you what the names of the 2 new threads are.
Thank-you everyone for joining this game. This is my first game of A&A by email. I think it is the first such game for many players, so we will work out the kinks together.
Heh heh, no hard feelings! Anyways, last post for a little bit. Be back soon!
(and this is Chris, but the computer I’m on is pretty d*** slow, so I don’t wanna bother logging in)