Anyone who watched both Battle of Britain and Dunkirk understands which of the two is a better war movie
War on Drugs
Key advice Guest, take the time to go over what you write. Nobody is forcing you to hurry up on what you have to say. Be sure to skip a line whenever you move into a new subject, so everything can be easily kept track of. I was lost more than once in trying to decipher what you had to say.
sry about that mate im just a shity tyeper :( and im constantly talkin back and fourth and i was eating aswell so i naturally did a bad job :)
anything but Barbara Streisand.
We can handle your wussy little infantry, but BS would just be inhumane.I think the US policing the world is a dangerous concept. I am all for RCMP helping “legitimate” governments provide appropriate training for their police forces etc., but the idea of an US based military unit invading foreign sovereignties over its drug policies is problematic (i.e. we’re well past the thin edge of the wedge here).
I am anti-drug to some degree, but i am also anti-criminalizing non-criminals.
i have more to respond to guess, but the pool is calling me right now. -
America spends at least $20 billion a year to fight a losing battle against drugs.
We’ve spent billions of dollars on research to fight AIDS also. Is AIDS gone yet? No. But it’s making a difference…
im pro legalizing pot for medicinal purposes, possibley even for normal recreation. but the hard drugs should stay illegal.
having used pot for recreational purposes, i think its not to bad, and not nearly as destructive as alcahol. i dont do either one right now, as i have internet for escapism and whatnot. just tax it as you would tabacco and use the money for drug education and treatment.pot has definate medicinal purposes for certain types of ailments. i watched my best friends dad dying of colon cancer, a horrible way to go. he was basically starving to death, because he was so nausious he couldnt eat. doctors figured he had at most 3 months to live, as he was basically starving, on top of the cancer. he was also considering suicide, as his life was so unbearable. once he was convinced by his family to start smoking pot, he GAINED weight, and lived another 18 months, and lived halfway decently too. smoking pot made his last 18 months tolerable, and sometimes even enjoyable. without pot, my best friend would have had to watch his dad die horribly, and much sooner. with the pot, my best friend was able to enjoy the last year with his dad, and when his dad died, he had a smile, and was not in agony.
i also firmly believe that if we spent half as much money on drug education and treatment as we do on the "war"on drugs, we would have alot less problems than we do now. education is the key to a working, happy, peaceful society. as a testament to education, the reason i dont smoke is that when i was very young, our school did some tabacco education, and after finding out what it could do to me, i chose not to smoke, even with the intense peer presure for me to smoke.
heck, legalizing pot and taxing the crap out of it would probably pay for a large portion of the rest of the war on drugs…
im pro legalizing pot for medicinal purposes, possibley even for normal recreation. but the hard drugs should stay illegal.
having used pot for recreational purposes, i think its not to bad, and not nearly as destructive as alcahol. i dont do either one right now, as i have internet for escapism and whatnot. just tax it as you would tabacco and use the money for drug education and treatment.pot has definate medicinal purposes for certain types of ailments. i watched my best friends dad dying of colon cancer, a horrible way to go. he was basically starving to death, because he was so nausious he couldnt eat. doctors figured he had at most 3 months to live, as he was basically starving, on top of the cancer. he was also considering suicide, as his life was so unbearable. once he was convinced by his family to start smoking pot, he GAINED weight, and lived another 18 months, and lived halfway decently too. smoking pot made his last 18 months tolerable, and sometimes even enjoyable. without pot, my best friend would have had to watch his dad die horribly, and much sooner. with the pot, my best friend was able to enjoy the last year with his dad, and when his dad died, he had a smile, and was not in agony.
i also firmly believe that if we spent half as much money on drug education and treatment as we do on the "war"on drugs, we would have alot less problems than we do now. education is the key to a working, happy, peaceful society. as a testament to education, the reason i dont smoke is that when i was very young, our school did some tabacco education, and after finding out what it could do to me, i chose not to smoke, even with the intense peer presure for me to smoke.
heck, legalizing pot and taxing the crap out of it would probably pay for a large portion of the rest of the war on drugs…
i like your take on the subject. Marijuana users are not true “criminals” anymore than people who rip the label off of their matresses.
w.r.t. medicinial marijuana - there still needs to be more studies out on the subject before a “good” physician will prescribe it. So far all that’s been shown is that it is comparable to tylenol (anecdotal evidence notwithstanding). -
the medicinal purposes of pot arent just pain relief. in the case of my friends father, it reduced his nasea, and of course the well known side affect of “the munchies” was very, very beneficial in this case. tylenol and most other pain relievers just upset his stomach even more than it was already.
“We’ve spent billions of dollars on research to fight AIDS also. Is AIDS gone yet? No. But it’s making a difference…”
Totally different analogy. Whereas in AIDs we are able to formulate drugs capable of slowing down the ravaging effects of HIV, though no exact cure is yet to be found (in part to the virus’s ability to change rapidly). However, in the war against drugs, studies show that we have not been able to curve the influx of drugs into our borders – in fact, it is easier to obtain drugs more than ever (in part to the considerable rewards of importing it and home growers). Also, in this country not much off the population “wants” AIDs, though that would not be in the same case as drugs.
Most of the population doesn’t “want” drugs either.
In my opinion, with better politicians, wiser choices, and the military guarding our borders, we’d have a lot better chance of curbing the drug traffic into this country. I don’t think it’s a waste of money at all to try and protect harmful substances from entering this country.
“In my opinion, with better politicians, wiser choices, and the military guarding our borders, we’d have a lot better chance of curbing the drug traffic into this country.”
This is true. But how will we get “better politicians” or “wiser choices.” I would like to hope the senators and representatives we voted for were making the wisest of choices. It’s funny to point out how everybody is willing to say, “Put me in Washington DC, and I a do job better all the combined!” - yet hardly any action (an rarely “good” action) comes out of this. Military can guard our borders (sure beats sending them halfway around the world) might work, but it’s very easy to smuggle drugs through customs. Unless you’re willing to search every person, plane, car, or ship/boat, drugs can still be shipped in the US with a relative ease.
By better politicians, I mean ones that regard the safety of American citizens over that of a political agenda. Case-in-point, is George W. Bush, in which he granted amnesty to the illegal aliens living in our country. Purely a political move for the Mexican vote, it’s also a danger to our country and a burden on our resources.
I would like to hope that they’re making the wisest of choices also, but it doesn’t always happen. :wink:
Hey guys, I found some very interesting statistics on this topic…check it out:
What’s my view on drugs?
Simple, I spoke pot fairly regularly. I’d say a good 30% or more of the people I know smoke pot, or have smoked pot…perhaps higher (no pun intended). I find it relaxing and conducive to jovial friendly behaviour. I can’t say that I have ever seen a person become angry, aggressive, violent or the like, while under the influence of pot.
I also am quite responsible with it, as are the vast majority of people I have ever met who use this drug. I never drive while on it. Indeed, a huge majority of people are paranoid while driving under the influence of pot…so they avoid doing so. I don’t smoke it in the presence of impressionable younger people. Virtually 100% of the time, it is either in my own home, or at a friends.
I avoid all other harder drugs like the plague. I never smoke it when something important needs to be done. I never smoke it before, during, or anywhere near work. I would never attempt brain surgery, flying a plane, operating a hand saw, clearing the dishes, taking out the garbage, or reading anything more than the TV guide or a comic strip. In short, smoking pot is suitable only for playing games, or when combined with drinking with friends, watching TV or a movie, playing cards, listening to music, making love, bantering about meaningless philosophical insights, laughing silly at stupid things, spilling things on the floor, and the like. The notion of impaired judgement and motor control being a significant drawback in various scary and dangerous scenarios misses the point: when you are high on pot, you are not the least interested in doing anything other than what I have outlined above. Well, those and of course…eating any junk food in sight. When you are high…you are not insane. No one gets high on pot and then decides to go out and fly a plane. Jesus, you can’t even play your flight simulator game on ‘easy’ without crashing every 5 seconds…and you are well aware of that fact.
The statistics on marijuana related deaths or serious injury are miniscule at best. We would be far better off banning anyone on a heart medication from driving than we are fear mongering about homicidal pot maniacs crashing their cars. Seriously…check out the stats on fatalities and injuries from heart attacks and strokes while driving. Now, I would never recommend anyone drive while stoned, and certainly, in any individual situation, I’ll take my chances on the other guy not having a heart attack, rather than someone driving while high on pot…but, despite the very wide scale prevalence of pot…we don’t actually have a serious, or even minor problem with death or serious injury. Funny how that works eh?
As for talk of gateway drugs…poppycock. Show me a valid study anywhere in the world that backs that up. It is also interesting to me that the following professions are statistically in the highest quartile of marijuana usage: doctor, lawyer, policeman, journalist, performing artist. Strange that they are not all zombies.
Soft drugs/recreational drugs…OK…your moral choice and not addictive.
Hard drugs…not OK, addictive & wasting, no longer your choice.
Legalize the soft stuff…pour the saved money into education and rehabilitation for victims of the hard stuff.
Great post, I enjoyed reading it :lol:
i say F*** Drugs and i include Weed in that catagory! they are a Cancer to society and must be Eliminated!
i say F*** Drugs and i include Weed in that catagory! they are a Cancer to society and must be Eliminated!
that was me i just forgot to log in :)
well, if your going to include pot as a drug you dont want want to be legal, you better include booze in your list of drugs you want illegal. lets face it, lots more problems with drinking than smoking pot. hehe, like americans are gonna give up their beer……
well, i could understand the americans (not to quit booze) if they had decent beer :) :) :)
well, i could understand the americans (not to quit booze) if they had decent beer :) :) :)
- boozencrypt
i hate booz 2 but u guys were talkin about pot.
Yes, we all know American beer sucks :)
(Which is why I’m not a drinker)