Anyways, thanks all for your input? I like it when you think my strats are great, but I love it if you disagree with me. :wink:
Because of this, I changed some of my USA strats to Accommodate the “what-if Japan” move on the first turn.
Here’s my USA Strat (Version 2.5) I changed over the weekend.
Moses’ Masterpiece #5: USA!
Here are my thoughts on the general American strategy I tend to use. Beside each turn I’ve included a number of notes to help you when executing this strategy. Strategy is based on standard A&A rules with the exception of Russia Restricted and Submerging.
1. USA (36 IPCs)
Buy 3 Transports, 4 Inf.
Non-Combat Move: Transport w/ 2 inf., bomber, and 1 ftr to Britain from EUSA. 1 ftr from WUSA to Eastern Canada. Unload transport to Britain. Move 1 Battleship and 1 transport from Western USA to Alaska Sea Zone.
Remaining IPCs: 0
Income: 34 IPCs
Total: 4 Transports, 6 Inf., 1 ARM (based on troops in EUSA)
Notes: As you can see USA doesn’t have any offensives on the first turn. Being conservative with USA on the first turn allows for USA to be more aggressive in later turns. Also by pulling your aircraft from USA, there’s no way of successfully counter attack against Japan. This means that Japan is free to take Hawaii, New Zealand, and Australia with the bulk of its Navy. Reason for the movement of the BB and Trans to the Alaskan Sea Zone? What this move does is force Japan to send it’s Navy to intercept my task force. The action will cost them at least a Carrier w/2 planes or 2 BB’s that would normally have gone to Brazil or South Africa if Japan wishes to establish an IC there. Without those forces, Japan’s Navy is vulnerable to an attack by the UK carrier w/2 ftrs. If Japan does not fall for the bait, then I storm the Japanese sea hoping to destroy as many transports as possible. If Japan takes the bait then it’ll take them at least 6 turns to reach Brazil or South Africa! Income of 34 IPCs is based on Japan taking East China.
2. USA (34 IPCs)
Buy: 2 Transports, 6 inf
Combat move: Land 4 Transports w/ 6 inf. and 1 ARM to Algeria (3 from EUSA, 1 from Britain). Strategic bomb Germany.
Non-Combat Move: Move bomber back to Britain. Move ftr. From E. Canada to Britain.
Remaining IPCs: 0
Income: 32 IPCs
Total: 6 Transports, 6 inf. (based on all existing transports)
Notes: If there is any better way to land that many men in N. Africa on the second turn, then I’m all ears. To prepare against a possible counterattack from the Luftwaffe on T3, USA must have full cooperation from UK by getting that power to move it’s carrier w/ 2 ftrs to protect America’s transport fleet off Spain. Income of 32 IPCs is based on Japan taking Hawaii and West China on T2.
3. USA (32 IPCs)
Buy: 1 Transport, 8 inf
Combat move: Strategic bomb Germany. Move into Libya and both French Africa’s.
Non-Combat Move: Move all transports back to EUSA. Move bomber to Britain.
Remaining IPCs: 0
Income: 33 IPCs
Total: 7 Transports, 14 inf.
Notes: Depending on the strength of the German presence, you may want to refrain from these attacks and instead just try to take Libya. If you find that the German may be too powerful to handle even with 6 inf., 1 ARM, you may consider moving the 2 ftrs and 1 bomber from Britain to Algeria or even hold off on the Normandy Invasion for a turn.
4. USA (33 IPCs)
Buy: 11 inf.
Combat move: Land in Western Europe with 7 loaded Transports supported by 2 ftrs and 1 Bomber. Move further into Africa.
Non-Combat Move: Move bombers and 2 ftrs back to Britain or Africa.
Remaining IPCs: 0
Income: 39 IPCs
Total: 7 Transports, 11 inf.
Notes: Finally D-Day on T4! Usually America will be able to take Western Europe upwards of 6 German inf. and 4 ftrs. However, expect huge losses at WE and the possible counter attack of Germany on T5. You can soften the blow by letting UK land first at WE (they should have a pretty sizeable transport force by now) or later after the Germans have successfully counterattacked. At any point Germany will have to spend a sizable amount of manpower to protect its Western flank. Also this is one of the only turns where I will allow America to make a different purchase like a bomber or ftr. It all depends on how many more inf. are needed in Europe or Africa.
5. USA (39 IPCs)
Buy: 1 transport, 10 inf.
Combat Move: Strategic bomb Germany. Push further into Africa.
Non-Combat Move: Move transports back to Eastern Canada. Move bomber back to Britain/Africa. Move 11 inf from EUSA to ECanada.
Remaining IPCs: 1
Income: 39 IPCs
Total: 8 transports, 22 inf
Notes: Anyways, you should be able to split transports into two groups: one headed to Russia/Africa or WE. The Luftwaffe shouldn’t be much more of a threat anymore. If Germany is strong enough to take WE back, then invade again. 16 inf alone is good enough to take down at least 10 defending inf and further away drain German manpower. At any rate Germany should fall soon and you can start transferring forces to Africa or Russia to deal with Japan. What you could do is set up the “Conveyor Belt” method of ferrying troops into Algeria or Norway through Eastern Canada. Almost 16 inf per turn can pack quite the punch.