@Azimuth yeah, I understand the challenge, I’m a graphic designer and I was playing around with a circular map design when I stumbled upon yours. I still might finish my design as I was incorporating some map changes I found interesting. But so far I think I’ll need some blow up boxes or something to make it work at a reasonable size.
Accurate Miniature Equivalents for Custom Painting your 1940 E&P
Almost finished with the SU… Navies are always the most time-consuming/tedious.
On a side note - I think I’m going to use the UK tanks for Italy… They much more closely resemble the Italian Fiat M series of tanks. What do you guys think?
Can you put all the pics of units on your website. Please
Can you put all the pics of units on your website. Please
Yea - most def. Also going to go back a retake some pics of the earlier units that I didn’t set up for ‘glam shots’.
What tanks are they currently using for Italians, Japanese?
Maybe you could paint up one of each and then see which looks better.At the moment I’d say use Japanese tanks for the Italians and British tanks for the French.
Then again, have you considered painting some US Shemans up for the British and French as well? Especially in the Pacific, the British used almost exculsively US built armor. Personally I liked the revised Sherman sculpt a little better then 1942 edition for the earlier look.
How long for SU navy?
I have to give my thumbs up for your work. Nice personal website also!
What tanks are they currently using for Italians, Japanese?
Maybe you could paint up one of each and then see which looks better.At the moment I’d say use Japanese tanks for the Italians and British tanks for the French.
Then again, have you considered painting some US Shemans up for the British and French as well? Especially in the Pacific, the British used almost exculsively US built armor. Personally I liked the revised Sherman sculpt a little better then 1942 edition for the earlier look.
Didn’t think about Japanese tanks for Italy - good call. Yea, I’m rethinking the French units too. Deciding all that soon. Good suggestions though.
I have to give my thumbs up for your work. Nice personal website also!
SU Navy is finished but it’s too late to take all the pics. I’ll post them tomorrow night. Italy next!!
Soviet Union Navy
Soviet Union Subs
Soviet Union Transports
Soviet Union Destroyers
Soviet Union Cruisers
Soviet Union Carriers
Soviet Union Battleships
Soviet Union Navy - Flat Scheme
Soviet Union Navy - Disruptor Camo
Soviet Union Navy - Complete
The Soviet Navy was tough… Not much was known about their paint schemes and there isn’t much information out there as far as color pictures or blueprints. I found bits from several sources and had to fill in the gaps. The disruptor pattern was mainly used on destroyers in northern regions. I basically improvised the carrier decks but am pretty happy with the way they turned out.
Soviet Union - Complete Forces
Starting on Italy this weekend! Lots of trimming and cleaning to do…
Awesome man… Once you finish all these you aren’t going to know what to do with yourself haha
Like staring at them for weeks :)
It looks excellent!
I’ll probably be busy relearning Spanish and possibly painting my ‘Descent: Journeys Into the Dark’ set.
I’ll probably be busy relearning Spanish and possibly painting my ‘Descent: Journeys Into the Dark’ set.
I gave you the idea for that! Russians look great btw.
When are you going to paint the neutral armies? :wink:
yo bob when r u going to do the Canadian corps?
When are you going to paint the neutral armies? :wink:
I’m probably going to do some neutral armies… Not sure how many or what molds yet though.
When are you going to paint the neutral armies? :wink:
I’m probably going to do some neutral armies… Not sure how many or what molds yet though.
Haha, I was joking, but that’s awesome. Some Winter War Finnish troops could be cool. Maybe the Greeks too.