No need to get hurt because you can’t explain to me how Eisenhower assumed command when you say he was always the Supreme Commander.
It’s cool man, you contradict yourslef alot. Everyone one here can see it. You’ll actually use one of your statements to support something in one post, then use the same one to suppor the exact opposite in the next.
I also know you edited your ‘supreme commander’ post at 10:30 this morning to add your scare quotes. In your post from May 9, 3:42 p.m., where you actully quote yourself contradicting yourself:
Quote from: Lazarus on Today at 10:39:23 am
The claim Monty was ‘dropped’ is frankly bizzare and betrays a complete lack of any real understanding. Eisenhower was always the overall Commander but he (wisely) allowed the most experienced man run the battle on his behalf. A wise move as it turned out!
I went � on to explain Montgomery’s role in
Quote from: Lazarus on Today at 10:39:23 am
It is quite simple. Montgomery was in Command from June 6th to September 1st.
From that date Eisenhower assumed the mantle.
I am at a loss as to how such a simple statement can be the cause of any confusion
Quote from: Lazarus on Today at 10:39:23 am
He (Montgomery) was ‘supreme commander’ of the forces in Normandy from June 6th to August 31st.
Not a lot of people seem to know that
All of those say they were posted today, but none of them were because you went back in and edited them to make your argument seem less stupid.
You actually changed history in a post, just like your trying to do with WWII, just to make yourself look less ignorant.
It didn’t work.