What is your number imprinted on the back of SZ59 AAP40 game board?

  • What is your number imprinted on the back of SZ59 AAP40 game board?

    Mine is 92731. (this number also is on the bottom right corner of the box.)

    1. Are they all the same number?

    2. What does it mean?

    3. Will India be 2 territories for AAG40 (Global Game)? (it looks like it from the back of the board.)

  • 92731 - carved in. Looks like you got the same number. I will check my other A&A maps.

  • This is the only map with a number carved in.
    I checked my AA50 maps -  nothing, and my AA42 map - nothing, all the old maps - nothing
    So this is kind of weird, guess we just have to wait 7 months to the Europe game and check out that too

  • Territory next to india might be packistan (incorrect nomiclature for 1940) or Kashmir, or some other goofy name……

    Larry does what he wants basicly…but I hope Iran (persia) is axis neutral.

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