• Did you ever think it would be neat to include the biplanes of 1914 with changed rules in 1940? 1941? 1942? Why not? It would be a representation of some older planes as well as a optional choice for that nation that cant put out all that money for a fighter. So how do we do it? Use the Biplanes of 1914. There are eight colours. Just enough for 1940 if you don’t let China get any(or you could). I would suggest using the pieces in any way that is easy(like German ww1 for German ww2 or German ww1 for ANZAC since it is similar coulour.)  Biplnaes represent the old fighters (of Germany etc) or Torpeodo bomber(like British ones) or others.
    Cost: 8
    Attack: 2
    Defense: 2
    Move: 4
    Anything unspecified is the same as for fighters.(including the abillity to support tacs and to scramble, intercept, and escorted)
    Special: you may fit one Biplane on an unddamaged battleship. All rules pertaing to planes on carrier apply. You may put three biplanes on a carrrier provided that there are only biplanes on the carrier.
    Biplanes attack at a three if attacking a surface vessel.
    Thoughts ideas? Do they sound useless? Too strong?
    Here is a possible setup addition for 1940:
    Poland:  1 biplane
    Western Germany: 1 biplane

    Soviet Union:
    Karelia: 1 biplane

    Japan: 1 biplane
    SZ outside Japan: 1 biplane on battleship
    SZ outside Okinawa: 1 biplane on battleship
    Manchuria: 1 biplane(only if giving China a biplane)

    Hawaii: 1 biplane
    SZ (Outside Western US): 1 biplane on battleship

    Suiyuan: 1 biplane(optional)

    Scotland: 1 biplane
    SZ 98: 1 biplane on carrier
    India: 1 biplane

    SZ 97: 1 biplane on battleship

    New South Wales: 1 biplane.

  • Here’s my thoughts with bringing biplanes in the game is that they were use as renaissance planes so maybe could do a combine arms with a artillery like….

    Artillery attack and/or defense is boosted up to 3 when paired with a biplane.

    Or what you said about being a torpedo bomber like it can only ships and maybe aircraft with an attack of 3(?) and defense of 2(?). I am not disagreeing with your idea but these are my thoughts on biplanes. Good topic.

  • I like the artillery paring idea but this may lead to excessive use of countries who didn’t really use them for that (Germany would definitely use them). I still thinkit is a great idea. Maybe make them support artillery AND attack at a 3 when attacking sea units. Any other thoughts? I haven’t been able to try this because my group does not like the idea.

  • Curious which country you’d be using for the Japanese biplanes…  Ottoman or Austria?  Or are you simply painting them?  I guess you’d have to do some painting to differentiate German vs ANZAC biplanes too, if you’re using them for both.

    Random thoughts.

  • I use Italy’s biplanes for Japan it’s almost a perfect color match

  • I just use the same Color for several nations. This is my way. List is ww1-ww2. Germany Germany. Germany ANZAC. France France.  UK Uk. US US. Austria China. Russia Russia. RUSSIA Italy. (Perfect) Italy Japan(perfect)

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