• I am just rying to solicit some “new blood” and get some ideas for the Colonial Garrison IC.

    I have always seen it in India. Where else would it serve well?

  • Even though an Indian complex pins down japan, an IC in South Africa is a pretty conservative move that will help you hold Africa and its economy. If you use your navy well you can also harass Japan with it as well.

  • How come nobody mention Egypt :wink:

  • Egypt will be taken first turn by Germany, so that’s obviously a bad choice….Australia is way too far away from things that are most important in the game…and it will only “pester” Japan…India is risky…Personally, I wouldn’t do it…I guess that leaves South Africa…it seems safe, but be wary of Japan…once they bring their navy to the Red Sea, this may pose a problem…but I’d say South Africa if anything…

  • I wouldn’t buy a third IC for Britain. Particulary not the combo India / Australia. Sure it keeps Japan good at bay, but to take advantage of the two ICs, you will completely neglect Germany as Britain.

    My friend had an IC palced in India only, and while he managed to keep India still, Germany is only now starting to feel pressure form Britain, and we have palyed along, long time.

  • @Mr.:

    Egypt will be taken first turn by Germany, so that’s obviously a bad choice….

    Seriously I would never had the guts to do it, but I wonder how many IPC you can trick the German player to pump there to defend it, IPC spent in Africa are not used to used to gain high income territory in Russia. Plus once the allied get it back the UK can now invade europe from all side and help in the defense of Caucasus.

    Don’t know I might give it a try one day. Obviously you would have to go with a KGF strategy and be willing to loose India very quickly, which also have some downside.

  • @thestor:

    I wouldn’t buy a third IC for Britain. Particulary not the combo India / Australia. Sure it keeps Japan good at bay, but to take advantage of the two ICs, you will completely neglect Germany as Britain.

    My friend had an IC palced in India only, and while he managed to keep India still, Germany is only now starting to feel pressure form Britain, and we have palyed along, long time.

    -We’re talking about colonial garrison, which means you get to place a free one before the game even starts…

  • Australia is great for threatening Japan. With the USA to the east, they wont be able to concentrate on it. India can be eaisily taken on round one.

  • India cannot be easely taken on turn one. Try to play ‘minor’ victory and you will have to learn to defend it, or you will loose all your game with the allies on turn one !!! (ger taking leningrad)

    I always buy a IC on india, and having colonial garnison spare’s me 15 IC.

  • I know most people probably find it stupid, because that’s how it looks if you think about it quickly but if you carefully sits and think about it, I still beleive that a collonial Garrison in Egypt might be the optimal choice in a KGF strategy.

    First the IC is free, so it doesn’t really matter if you lose it and unless the German go with a strong African bid he won’t be able to do anything with it.

    You lose it G1 round.

    With a small african German bid you should be able to get it back next round. You will then exchange it a round or two and by third round it’s all yours and that’s when you need it anyway. You can then pump armor to reinforce the Russian, or harrass the Japanese. Later in the game Once the German fleet is sunk you don’t have to worry about japanese tank running wild in africa (these 11IPC are a major blow to UK and usually a pain to defend when they focus 100% on killing germany).

    Maybe there is something I didn’t see. I would like to see if someone tried it. And please before you comment on the strategy try to think a bit out of the box and not just say the German will take it first round (I already know that, Sorry Mr.G)

  • Austrailia.

    I’ve always belived an IC in Austrailia causes more havoc and more pain in the side of Japan then any other IC anywhere else can do. And it also reaps no benefits for Japan once they take it.

  • I agree that Australia is a good choice for a KJF strategy. UK does’t have to pay for it so they can concentrate on slowing down the German initialy and when possible increase their contribution to the US fleet in the pacific.

    If they manage to keep their Ocean Indian fleet by joining with the Australian fleet then even better. With little investement they can become the little trouble maker while the US contain the Japanese fleet.

  • India. you can pump units into japan or russia to help defend. India seems to be the best chioce although Australia comes in close second. :evil:

  • Here’s a thought. Maybe put the IC in Eastern Canada. It’s worth 3 IPCs and you can use it to build up the D-Day invasion fleet. Seeing as you can only build so many units on Great Britain.

  • E. Canada sounds pretty cool, at least, like Warhawk said, if you’re aiming to re-create D-day. It’s just way too isolated for the Nazis to do anything about it, much like E. US, so Germany will just have to build up their defenses in Europe and wait for the storm.

  • Sept. 16th! :D

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