How would you play G40 on 39? Are you referring more to the rules, and thus setting the neutrals and related rules in stone so to speak to simply play G40 with more ‘room’?
That is the dilemma I am struggling with. I want to play on the GW39 map, which seems both bigger and better in my opinion, but I want to use (essentially) the A&A G40 rules and setup… with the addition of some non-radical house rules. I have not examined the GW39 map to see if this is possible without a major reworking.
Essentially, your assertion is correct: I want G40 with more room. Now, I have not thought or tested this to determine if it is a good idea, playability-wise, but it is something I have wanted for some time.
I like the concept behind GW39, which is to expand and refine what Axis and Allies Global 1940 is … However, I think they went a little too far for me, especially regarding neutrals and minor nations. Plus, I personally do not see the need to go back to a 1939 setup when 1940 is quite fine and closer to war for everyone.
I think AA50 looks beautiful and as a step up from 42 is exactly what Im looking for. Any comments on quibbles or how that map plays differently from revised or 42?
Besides the addition of the cruiser and mech. infantry, the mechanics are basically identical. National Objectives were added for income and Tech Research was modified, but these are both very positive additions. Since G40 came out, I have not played a single game of Anniversary… so opinions are not fresh, but I do know what it is like.
If I am not mistaken, aren’t Revised and '42 essentially the same game also? Except that '42 is the updated version? I have played '42 a few times and played Revised a lot before the newer generation came out.
Seems to me, if you are looking for something in between Revised/'42 and Global in terms of size, then Anniversary is your ticket. The rules are pretty much identical to Revised/'42 but not as politically involved as Global.