Battle of Brienne was fought today, 29th January, in 1814.
(I had never heard of this one.)
The town is in North East France and the battle here took place because the 6th coalition invaded France in the hope of overthrowing Napoleon.
As the roads were bad because of the weather, Napoleon was able to catch his old enemy, Blucher, with only one wing of his army: the Russian contingent under Lt Gen Baron Osten-Sachen, about 17000 men. Napoleon had 30000 on hand, but after his earlier reverses most were straight out of training camps.
Napoleon pinned down Blucher’s forces with Grouchy’s Cavalry and Horse Artillery, while Marshal Ney took the Young Guard into the town and captured the Chateau with the aid of Victor’s 2nd Corps. That night Blucher was forced to withdraw, after nearly being captured withGeneral Gneisenau. (Napoleon also narrowly missed capture.)
Blucher’s losses were 4000 casualties to Napoleon’s 3000.
Vive Le France
So with that description it coulda been Xi or FinsterniS or …
in disguise, of course.
Of course, if he does, he’ll be banned from these fora by those mean ol’ fora Nazis we keep hearing about. :D
Yes, the foraNazis are a force to be reckoned with. :P
Speaking of France…
It seems that France sold some banned items to some bad peeps…
Hmmm! Is France becoming a warmonger…
threatening it’s peaceful Arab neighbours?
(We all live on the same block now.) -
Hey Falk
Hey, it was my country to annex Austria, not the other way round … so, why should i be scared by Arnie? :)
EJ, Fin made quite some sense, most of the times. And he lived in France and explained their positions quite often, so i bet it was not Max. Xi… well, i don’t expect a high school kid to disguise as someone older… (AFAIR Xi was one of the older ones here…) … if that doesn’t count… then you must be Max ;)…
I think i can remember there was one other talking a lot of strange things and then disappearing… just can’t remember the name.
Was it me falk? I talk plenty of strange things then disappear :) That’d be so cool if you were talking about me, because I just happened to check up on the forums, haven’t posted here in a little bit.
'Cept I’m not mike, I’m chris 8)
Was it me falk? I talk plenty of strange things then disappear :) That’d be so cool if you were talking about me, because I just happened to check up on the forums, haven’t posted here in a little bit.
'Cept I’m not mike, I’m chris 8)
but see, we were talking about Max, but if you’re chris, then we shouldn’t have to worry about it being you. unless you’re not who you say…
President Jacques Chirac = Nuclear Warmonger in disguise
Hey, it was my country to annex Austria, not the other way round … so, why should i be scared by Arnie?
Hey, that’s our Governor! You bet he’ll be invading Europe sometime in the near future. 8)
HAHA yay an argument :), yea Falk i want mocking France i was mocking my friend Max who posted here a couple times as NationalFederalist. and i think once or twice as Penguinman. He is a ruthless French basher with no logic to his argument. and that STFU well that was so tempting lol i just wanted to use that.
I just think he hates sAsholes in general. More specifically, I believe he hates those who do not make logical sense, especially when explaining their viewpoints.
This clearly isnt the case because he loves to hear himself talk, and seems to be inlove with himself. This right here proves your point wrong because Falk is an Asshole himself lol.
and yes Falk i am an Asshole aswell, but at least i dont get kicks from making fun of kids who are like 20 years younger then i lol :P
and yes Falk i am an a**hole aswell, but at least i dont get kicks from making fun of kids who are like 20 years younger then i lol :P
I’m guessing that’s because there aren’t any yet (if you are roughly the same age as Janus)
and i am not that old … yet :P
… or are you much younger than i think?and the “kicks” is probably more of a reduction of the years i have until my first heart attack :)
Hey Falk
geez, wonder why NFM isn’t howling about those proxi’s I’m firing at 'em…… :lol:
Arnie would be dissapointed in you 8)
geez, wonder why NFM isn’t howling about those proxi’s I’m firing at 'em……
Arnie would be dissapointed in you
what? :-?
look at the shot….
and i am not that old … yet :P
… or are you much younger than i think?and the “kicks” is probably more of a reduction of the years i have until my first heart attack :)
haha im proud of you Falk ;) i admire a sense of humor