Wow. This is interesting. BTW, I think you guys are crazy. You and your Canada jokes. :)
I don’t agree with cloning humans. Points about how genetics could be screwed up even more because of the clones being from old DNA are good. But another argument that could come up is that we could take these defects out. Fine on the surface, but removing these defects could make future generations of clones more vulnerable to disease because their bodies have not strengthened their immune systems. An entire race of clones could be destroyed by one rampant disease.
More importantly, one species produces offspring of the same species, correct? Therefore, the stemcells of humans would create more humans (clones or not, they are still homo sapiens). To rear a “clone” simply to “harvest” it is inhumane.
wrt overpopulation. i think it’s to hyped up. if it’s crowded where you are…move. And if you think forceful measures for de-population should be employed (as in systematically kill “extra” people) I have only one more thing to say.
You first.
I’ll only address one remark. The bit about immune system degeneration. While its true that our immune system functions loosely on a random assortment of genes coming together, cloning technology would not necessarly remove this. In fact, it could well introduce improvements in our immune systems (i.e. immunity to various viruses, as well as decreasing allergic reactions etc.). The thing about cloning, is you replicate the ENTIRE genome of your “replicand” - immune systems and all.